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Home Forums General Discussion & Questions Welcome Reply To: Welcome

GOLD Member
    • Denmark
    • Topics Started 39
    • Total Posts 972
    On Madskp said

    Another thing I have mentioned before and found a temporary solution for is the view of recent topics.

    I know you can see the last 5 post on the main page of the foums, but if you have been away for a few days and want to catch up on forum activity you will have to browse arround a lot instead.

    For a while it was possible to find some view options in a top bar like: Topic freshness whis is my favorite view.This seems to have disappeered now though.

    Would it be possible to ad links to these views, maybe in the main forum page where you have the 5 topics and the link could be called “more” or something like that?

    Thanks in advance

    For now I have saved a link to topic freshness that can also be usefull for others

    Just ignore this. I obviously was not looking good enough on the forum main page. Sorry for the incinvinience