Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCom Beocom 6000 with Beoline PSTN Base – phone book not working?

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  • #60102
    GOLD Member
      • Liverpool

      I have replaced my single Beocom 6000 with a set of three, and a Beoline PSTN base.  They were bought separately but I have successfully registered the handsets to the base, and am able to make and receive calls.

      I am having trouble with the phone book through.  It has two entries in it, and it won’t let me delete those. It also won’t allow me to add any new entries.  If I try to either delete or add phone book entries, it shows ‘Wait…’ for a few seconds, then it shows ‘Phone Book ***No Signal***’.

      I have reset the base (Dot 7 000 8) but it hasn’t made any difference.  It seems an oddly specific problem!

      I do also still have a pyramid PSTN base so I could use that instead, but I would like to get to the bottom of this, if I can.  Any help would be much appreciated.


        • Warwickshire, UK

        Check the handset/base menu and see if the handset is set up with a PERSONAL (stored on handset) or COMMON (stored on PSTN) phonebook.  I usually stick to COMMON.*

        If playing with that setting doesn’t work, try resetting the handsets (Dot 7 000 9) – but make sure that you have the base PIN if you do this!

        (I am assuming that the new handsets are Mk1, with the dot to the left of the wheel, rather than the INT button of the Mk2 version)

        * EDIT:  From the Mk1 manual:

        If you change your handset from personal to
        common, your personal Phonebook will be
        deleted and replaced by the common
        Phonebook if any such exists. If you have
        named your handset, this name is deleted too.

        • This reply was modified 2 days, 18 hours ago by Guy.
        GOLD Member
          • Liverpool

          It is already set to ‘Common’ and I have not changed it.  I reset one of the handsets and at first it showed ‘Updating’ whenever I tried to access the phone book, but then I tried again after I’d had my lunch, and it worked.  The 2 entries had disappeared, the phone book was empty, and I have been able to add entries to it, so it’s working.

          Seems odd that resetting the handset rather than the base would fix it, but it worked, so thanks Guy!  Great advice, again.

            • Warwickshire, UK

            Great news that it’s now working.  Those Mk1 handsets can be quite temperamental and slow to update, and the RF chip can also fail (symptom – ‘No Signal’) which is frustrating as there doesn’t appear to be a fix.  I have had less problems since I moved to BeoCom 6000 Mk2 handsets.

            GOLD Member
              • Liverpool

              I bought a job lot that in fact included 5 handsets, but two of them don’t work.  One of the ones that doesn’t work is a Mk2 but the battery had clearly leaked and done some damage, and there are bits rattling around inside.  There’s another Mk1 that looks fine and no battery leakage, but it won’t take a charge (I added a new battery), so it must be shot.

              Still, I got 3 charger bases and 5 handsets for very little money, and three of the handsets work, so not a bad deal!

              GOLD Member
                • Liverpool

                Having got the Beoline PSTN base working, I decided to connect one of the Beocom 6000 handsets to my original pyramid base.  It asks for a PIN, and I add 0000, but then I get ‘***Error***’, and registration fails (I’ve never changed the PIN so the default should work, but I did buy it used, so maybe the original owner changed it).  I know the handset is fine because it will connect to the Beoline PSTN base, but won’t connect to the pyramid base.

                I know you can reset a base with dot 7 000 8 but you have to be registered to it to do that, and I can’t register to it!  Does anyone know of a way to solve this?


                  • Warwickshire, UK

                  If you don’t have a handset that is registered to the original base then I think you are stuck and it’s a dealer task to reset.

                  However, before giving up it could be worth working through some of my suggestions in this thread, especially the one about resetting the handset and then putting it on the pyramid base/pstn:  https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/beocom-6000-mk1-base-pin-code/

                  GOLD Member
                    • Liverpool

                    Thanks Guy.  Yes I tried that; I reset the handset, pushed the button on the base, and put the handset in.  The LED on the back of the handset continues to flash, and when you pick it up, it’s still asking for the PIN.

                    It’s my own fault – I should have reset that base before I de-registered the handset from it.  It never crossed my mind that the PIN would have been changed.

                    I’ve got 10,000 possibilities to try then eh!?

                    I’m sure there’ll be a way of resetting it back to 0000 if you open it up, but I can’t find a service manual for it anywhere online.

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