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Home Forums General Discussion & Questions Prize Draw THE BEOWORLD CHRISTMAS 2022 PRIZE DRAW !!

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  • #41710

    PrizeDrawBot Remote Log In – Version 2212.01 – Activated

    Prize Distribution Circuit – Activated

    Prize Pile – Festively Marvellous! Draw Commences – 8.00pm (in one hour from now..)



    Peter the Biker
    GOLD Member

    Looking forward with hand on Xmas doorknob and tongue in cheek/mask …


    Location: Eastwestfalia
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description available No description available No description availableNo description available

    PrizeDrawBot Remote Log In – Active

    Status – Now at BeoWorld HQ Christmas

    Prize Draw Number Generator – Activated

    Prize Draw Commences in 30 minutes time….

    End of Message.


    PrizeDrawBot Status – Draw Circuits warming up like a mince pie in the microwave and ready to generate some names and locations.

    Prize Status – All ready to be sent out across the world..

    Time Status15 minutes and counting down until Christmas Draw Time…


    It’s the BeoWorld Christmas 2022 Prize Draw in a few Minutes – so put down whatever you’re doing, go and pour yourself a festive ‘adult beverage’ and look lively! You don’t want to miss the Christmas Draw do you? Yes – YOU !!

    I’m sitting with a Brandy in one hand, a glass of Champagne in the other, and a large pile of prizes all waiting to be sent across the world. What lovely prizes they are too…. BeoWorld.. far too generous I tell you each and every draw time!!

    So – you’ve got literally 10 minutes to get the jobs done… go, go, GO !!!


    Get the kettle on, crack open a beer, pour a glass of mulled wine, put a santa hat on, hang a bauble from each ear then carefully place a ball of rolled up tinsel up each nostril. Nobody reads this so I could put anything really.. Whatever.. the Festive BeoWorld Prize Draw is imminent – hurry up !!.

    I’ve just drawn the names and matched them up to the Prizes – so could YOU be one of our Awesome Christmas Winners tonight?? Chances are, you are..



    Anyone fancy a lovely BeoWorld Christmas Prize? Your wonderful Draw Host Botty is here in your very own Tinselfest HQ and is ready to launch prizes worldwide. It’s that time again when you all think to yourselves ‘How do they manage to do it?’ whilst you look at the prizes being given away. Well, i’ve no idea – really.

    For the equivalent of £2.50 a Month – less than a small takeaway coffee, YOU can win any of these… You’ll also be supporting the best site on the internet too !!

    Back in a few moments – I’m just going to raise a full to the brim yuletide glass to you all, drink it, put it down again, fill it up, then rinse and repeat until my metallic head rests upon my prize draw podium.

    Get ready….

    FOUNDER Member

    Hello PDB and hello Beoworlders…

    I am ready for the draw


    GOLD Member

    The wine is in the glass, prepared for the draw!

    Bring it on! ?



    Okay Ladies and Gentlemen.. a Fantastic Festive Prize Draw will now start, right here, right now. We wish you the very best of luck.

    Okay… here goes

    10th Prize – an Official Bang & Olufsen Boot Bag

    Here we have a lovely little collectible we once again sourced from a collector of B&O Memorabilia. A branded Callaway Boot Bag featuring the Bang & Olufsen logos and is absolutely perfect for those Winter Wellies or walking boots – or you could even use it for your packed lunch! Up to you, and if you’re first out of the bag this Christmas.. it’s yours to do with as you wish!

    Tonights first Fabulously Festive Winner is..

    Mr M. Olsen (Dillen) from Bagsvaerd, Denmark

    A splendid little bag for you to use and enjoy!


    FOUNDER Member

    Hurray for Dillen

    Well deserved!


    9th Prize – The B&O ‘CarPlay’ set…

    No, not Apple CarPlay… it’s a variation on the theme! Here we have the highly collectible Matchbox Bang & Olufsen Delivery Van! Given out as Dealer Gifts to VIP clients back in the 1980’s they have become quite the collectors classic, both from the Bang & Olufsen perspective and the toy car collector too! One for the display cabinet, and a real keeper. In addition to this we have the official B&O shop fit ‘PLAY’ letters, removed from the wall of a B&O Dealer and all ready to put on your own wall. All yours if you bag 9th this Christmas!

    The winner is…

    Mr N. Dunn (RustyFerguson) from Calgary, Canada

    Jolly well done to you! What a great Prize.


    FOUNDER Member

    Congrats RustyFerguson..

    Somehow this “CarPlay” Set and the seanson brings “driving home for christmas” by Chris Rhea to mind 🙂

    Cheers and enjoy the “BeoRide”


    8th Prize – The B&O Christmas Book Club!

    In 8th this Yuletide we have our favourite ‘Postman Crippler’ the classic and original ‘Vision to Legend’ book charting the inception of our beloved company right through to the early 2000’s. This is a true Collectors Item and certainly one for the (rhobust) coffee table or well built bookshelf! In addition, as it’s Christmas, we also have the ‘Blanc Christmas’ book, made for Bang & Olufsen in collaboration with the famous Chef Raymond Blanc. A lovely Prize for you here – and yours if you win 8th..

    The Lucky Winner is…

    Mr F. de Ruiter (beocool) from Delft, Netherlands

    Well done, what lovely collectibles to read and enjoy!


    FOUNDER Member

    @PDB: at least until now it feels a bit lonely here don’t you think?



    Congratulations Dillen, RustyFerguson and Beocool so far ….

    (PS: Mulled wine is all gone, drinking Waitrose St Emilion ce soir)

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available
    FOUNDER Member

    Congrats beocool,

    Another long time Beoworlder wins a great prize… Your postman will “love” you for this 😉


    7th Prize – an Vintage Official B&O A1 CD Storage Rack

    Truly blessed with the craftsman’s touch, the flagship A1 Cube is hewn from solid first-class knot-free timber – in this case pale lacquered and oiled maple. Drawing on time-honoured joinery techniques, the unit features mortised joints and a solid wood back panel. This one has had one owner from new and is in fantastic condition (one bit of damage to the rear edge, but can be repaired) and is just waiting to be adored by a new owner.. All yours of you bag 7th spot!

    The Racktastic Winner is…

    Mr E. T. Fründ (etc) from Skanderborg, Denmark

    Enjoy these – they’re amazing!


    FOUNDER Member

    @Guy: St Emillion sounds good… I don’t know this one. I am enjoying a “Scheurebe” from Würzburg in Germany.

    FOUNDER Member

    Well done etc!

    A beautiful B&O piece is coming home to Denmark this christmas


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