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    • Location: Malmo, Sweden

    @Johan: I’ll might consider a BR1 then but while I like the looks of it I miss out the weight that you have in the Beo4 which is the main reason for now upgrading. The DAC is in the office and the BS9000 just to far away but using any of the BLC could be something since I have the technical ‘room’ just directly close to the office. But, then again, if it’s works out with using a Y-cable for the AUX port on the BS6500 that would be the easiest solution and which Guy verified that it wouldn’t cause any conflict. I did use the AUX before connecting the 1611 box to get the audio out from my Topping E30 DAC (wanted to get Shiit Modi DAC but they haven’t been able to deliver in long time so ended up with the E30) which I only uses when I want to get audio out from the laptop when playing music that I don’t have anywhere else or when connecting som retro tech such as C64/Amiga, etc. The Topping does power off when not in use and easy to power off with remote control (and same with the Shiit Modi).

    : I’ll going to use RADIO for TuneIn as I’m starting to get happy with the setup and which I typically try to mirror what I had and then the tweaks needed for the WAF-factor.

    : Also, with regards trying to get the setup to do the same with only 2 BLC which would mean removing the BLC for the BS9000 which would be good from the point of getting ride of one box that can fail. I’ll give that a try later on today or tomorrow.

    @Guy: Interesting thing with the BS6500 in A.OPT2 might but don’t see that being needed for now. Since with the workaround with Y-cable I’ll just make use of AUX from the Beo4 and essentially this would provide the same function. That would be if I instead to make use of PC pointing to AUX. And thanks for the link to Steve’s page.