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  • Redstones
    BRONZE Member

      I have had the problem solved by B&O support.

      removing and re adding the products to the app solved it.

      no more delays🙂

      in reply to: Beogram 7000 – Moment -Beolab 28 #48463
      BRONZE Member

        As an update, I have got it working, having spent hours rebooting, repairing and generally trying all the settings, I got it working. I think it was the multi room setting that made it work. I am now playing the Beogram 7000, line in on the Moment, and Moment in control in the multi room menu. Hopefully this setting is easy to get back to, when I change it.


        in reply to: What are the speakers, b&O lovers use? #41703
        BRONZE Member

          I ve had beovox 30’s with a 1902 .I changed to Beolab 20’s and traded these in for  Beolab 28’s.


          in reply to: Connecting Beogram 9000 to BL 28’s #36251
          BRONZE Member

            Apologies, I have checked for the preamp type and realised that I switched out my Beogram 9000 for a Beogram 3500 a few years ago. The Beogram 3500 has a built in pre amp, so the Beogram is connected directly to the Moment.

            in reply to: Connecting Beogram 9000 to BL 28’s #36249
            BRONZE Member

              Thank you for your feedback.

              I am comparing as follows:

              A song from a specific remastered recording that I have on a new Vinyl,  and on my Deezer HiFi account.

              played from Deezer HiFi directly through  BL28s – (Moment is Standby)
              played from vinyl played on a Beogram 9000 via a RIAA preamp through the Moment connected to the BL28s

              The difference was quite dramatic. I will check the stylus, its an MMC 1

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