T2 tried to escape the hotglue by lifting itself off the PCB, which caused (almost) all the tiny wires to rip off from the coil to the legs.
I desoldered T2 and opened it from the bottom. Took some copper wire and soldered it to what was left of the (coil-) wire, just enough to extend it. Wrapped it around the corresponding leg and soldered it back together (I guess it’s barely visible on right side of the 2nd picture). Closed the bottom with some electrical tape. Cut off some of the hotglue from PCB, so the same thing won’t happen again. Put T2 back to its spot
and another BL8000 has been saved of becoming e-waste.
I also got a pair of BL8000 with no signs of life (no light, no relay click). Really hoped for some busted traces because of foam rot, but continuity looks fine. On T2 I measured 230V, but no 44V or 22V. Instead I got 10V and 14V. Can I assume that the standby transformer is gone?