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  • in reply to: Help with Beogram 4002 #61778
    BRONZE Member

      Can you take the back right square cover off by sliding the trim forward and snap a picture of that entire area? It’s possible the chassis ground is not properly connected. Also if you remove the cartridge, you should see a small flexible copper tang coming out of the bottom of the black connector. This connection is designed to ground the body of the cartridge since moving iron cartridges with their relatively low outputs are susceptible to hum. If that was damaged or missing that could also be your problem. Here is a link to a picture of the cartridge holder. If you have an ohm meter with the stylus cover on but the arm lowered, you should have continuity {<1 Ohm) between you ground wire and the cartridge shell.

      in reply to: Help with Beogram 4002 #61695
      BRONZE Member

        That type of hum is likely a grounding issue. You did not say what the turntable is connected to. If you are using the DIN->RCA adpater then it must be the phono one which has a separate ground wire or you will get hum. If you are going DIN->DIN it may be a bad chassis ground connection in the TT or amp.

        in reply to: Achieving a smooth tonearm transport (BG4000) #61399
        BRONZE Member

          The servo should not activate as the arm is lowering. It sounds like the tonearm needs tracking adjustment. Follow the procedure in the service manual.

          in reply to: Beogram 4002 Speed Fluctuations #60388
          BRONZE Member

            That problem is generally the speed selection relay and trimmers need replacement. You can find updated replacements from (now: Danish Sound Parts).

            in reply to: Question About Beogram 8002 Recapping #60160
            BRONZE Member

              I’m afraid that reading does not make sense assuming you are measuring mAs. What you are looking for is not the steady-state reading but a current jump as you plug it in. I would use a second meter or Oscope to catch the drop in voltage at the time. At this point given your limits and these imperfect medium, I would replace the regulator just to rule it out as it’s very cheap.

              in reply to: Question About Beogram 8002 Recapping #60121
              BRONZE Member

                You measure current by putting your meter in series with the circuit. This means disconnecting the regulator output, soldering a jumper and using your probes in series. If you have alligator clip ends even better.

                in reply to: Question About Beogram 8002 Recapping #60098
                BRONZE Member

                  The 7805 regulator can source more than 1A of current if working properly which is more than enough to blow the fuse before its short-circuit protection kicks in. I would confirm by measuring the output current when you plug the TT in and see if it exceeds 1A before dropping. If it doesn’t I would replace the regulator. If it does you are not going to have to start disconnecting 5v loads on the board and testing for 5v.

                  in reply to: Question About Beogram 8002 Recapping #60094
                  BRONZE Member

                    This is where it gets tough as you may be hitting your original problem. I would check how much current you are drawing on P6-1 as you may have a bad regulator. Normally F1 (800ma) would blow if there was a large draw due to a shorted transistor such as the Lift driver TR9. Also is it at .5v just plugged in?

                    in reply to: Question About Beogram 8002 Recapping #60043
                    BRONZE Member

                      Putting C24 in backwards would definitely take out the F1 transformer fuse but could have damaged part of the diode bridge or transformer secondary. Are you getting AC voltages across each transformer secondary? If so when you connect P7 back only, what voltage are you seeing across C24?

                      in reply to: Question About Beogram 8002 Recapping #60013
                      BRONZE Member

                        Update: I retested the pins you suggested but left the other connectors plugged in. With this setup, pins P7-12 and P7-6 do have continuity. The schematic screenshot below shows where P7-12 leads; P7-6 goes to ground. The bottom-most path is from P-712, leading to D42 and a relay. Would you suggest following both paths and testing each component as I go, or is there a more efficient way to test? Thanks!

                        Yes, P7 is the only connector you should have removed. I would check for losing the short by selectively removing the gnd sides of D20, 0C1, 0C2 and 0IC1 to find the defect.

                        in reply to: Question About Beogram 8002 Recapping #59984
                        BRONZE Member

                          I would start by leaving the supply disconnected and measuring resistance on the board side between each pair of windings pins looking for a short. Ex: P7 pins 2 and 4. Then you can desolder to find the shorted part.

                          in reply to: Question About Beogram 8002 Recapping #59755
                          BRONZE Member

                            To add one advisory to the excellent advice already posted, if you have put in one or more of the electrolytic caps backwards and tried to turn it on, you’ll need to check the fuses, transistors and regulators prior to that as you have effectively shorted them. This is likely why you have not made progress.

                            BRONZE Member

                              It’s likely a missing diamond or mis-calibrated tracking force. I doubt its a cueing mechanism issue.

                              in reply to: Can anyone recommend a tracking force gauge? #58514
                              BRONZE Member

                                You can get that one to work by removing the top platter and belt.

                                in reply to: Cleaning Stylus, and cleaning Vinyl? #58375
                                BRONZE Member

                                  The proper fluids will not leave a residue especially if you dry them. Just keep the liquid off the labels.

                                  in reply to: Cleaning Stylus, and cleaning Vinyl? #58288
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    The sound issues you are describing are not likely due to a dirty stylus or record Bass distortion is more likely to be caused by improper stylus force or a failing stylus cantilever suspension. I would recalibrate your tracking force to 1.2g for your MMC4 and 1.5g for your MMC5 first and then evaluate. As to cleaning the stylus, I prefer the gel-based ones such as from DS Audio as they leave no residue. Finally, a Spin-Clean Record washer will be a significant step up from your brush cleaner

                                    in reply to: Beogram 4500 CD — heavily distorted sound #57905
                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Since, you found a shorted cap replaced all of them, it is likely the culprit for the burnt resistor. OpAmps usually work fine or simply fail by their nature.  If the sound is now clean without noise and distortion, I would just button it up and enjoy.

                                      in reply to: Beogram 4500 CD — heavily distorted sound #57767
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        If R121 burned, I would replace IC 10 & 11 as they are connected to the same resister. I would also change out C103 & 107 which I believe you are doing.

                                        in reply to: Beogram 4500 CD — heavily distorted sound #57688
                                        BRONZE Member

                                          There are actually 2 dual opamps IC10 and 11. You may be referring to the 100 μF caps on the 15v -/+ rails that help smooth the DC. However, their failure, assuming they opened versus shorted, would not cause white noise in my experience. It is also not likely that both channels would fail together since each has its own dual opamp.  If in fact both channels exhibit the same white noise your problem is likely in the 15v dual power supply section.  This regulation was done discretely back then and is where I would start.

                                          in reply to: Beogram 4500 CD — heavily distorted sound #57675
                                          BRONZE Member

                                            You haven’t mention what component/system it is connected to. If both channels have the same distortion you may be overdriving the input to your receiver as the diigital side sounds fine and once the signal leaves the DAC chip it flows in discrete L/R circuits which are unlikely to both distort unless you have problems with either the +15v or -15v supplies to their opamps.

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