Hi good afternoon @matador. Thank you very much for the hard work you and the others put into this project. It is looking amazing and I think this is a lovely DIY project for anyone who enjoys building things. I used to love fixing my cars (old bangers), but since my wife told me we need a reliable newer car that somehow ruined my hobby of building and repairing things. 😀
I have myself an old pair of 8000s and I would love to work on this project myself after I have refoamed them. Please if you or someone else would be kind enough to re-share the STL files for the 4 and 5mm versions I could ask around for 3D printing them and to look for the correct wood. I am really liking the version @tuttivini did on his. I know he must put a lot of effort into it.
I wish everyone a great weekend and bank holiday (uk)!