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  • in reply to: Beoplay Converter nl/ml for sale #53854
    BRONZE Member

    I would suggest a price between 1-200 euros. Depending on which country in Europe you are in – if in Denmark, I would think that the price it can achieve is on the high end – as the prevalence and demand for B&O equipment is relatively high in DK.

    NB. there may well be a need for a B&O technician to upgrade or adapt the ML/NL depending on how it is to be included in a setup

    Location: Danmark/Flensborg
    in reply to: Beosound Theatre — Knowledge Base #39927
    BRONZE Member

    Please be adwised – do not update you Apple TV4 (IF YOU HAVE connected BST over the HDMI).

    you will lose control from you BeoremoteOne.

    problem ist the Apple TV uodate 17.4

    i have had a short conwesation to the support team on the topic – no solution for the moment being!

    sorry for the danish feedback form the support team – see below:


    Response By Email (18/03/2024 12.08 PM)

    Hej Jens,


    Tak for din henvendelse.


    Når dit AppleTV ikke længere reagerer på Beoremote One, er det sandsynligvis, fordi Apple har begået en fejl ved seneste opdatering til version 17.4. Hvis dit AppleTV ikke er udstyret med et IR-øje, forgår betjening af AppleTV med Beoremote One via CEC og CEC fungerer ikke efter denne opdatering.


    Hvis dit AppleTV er udstyret med et IR-øje, skal vi lede efter fejl et andet sted.


    Vi regner med, at Apple løser problemet meget snart, men indtil da, er det kun muligt at betjene AppleTV med dets egen fjernbetjening.

    Med venlig hilsen


    Sussi | Customer Care


    Location: Danmark/Flensborg
    BRONZE Member

    Mojn Millemissen,

    From my point off view – the only way to get my system(s) to play syncronised across the floors of the house.

    On each floor in the House, i have a Beomaster 6500 running (more or less as separat Master’s). Maybe also because i am a kind of vintage☺️

    Location: Danmark/Flensborg
    BRONZE Member

    Here is my setup,  Beovintage – Beoclassic  – Beo now a days

    in Beolanguage MCL/ML/NL

    works fine, i am just struggling a bit with the new Beoapp…  It has gotten better over the software updates, but still……

    (missing a few navigation options from the former app, my Beo4 is indispensable in case of  my ‘FM’RADIO, as an example)


    Location: Danmark/Flensborg
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