Exactly, Peter 🙂
That’s why…
it’s a pity – far too far away 🙁
where are you located?
As you can see in the archive forum section I used to be one of the founders …
Seems that was lost in the forum conversion 🙁
So we are 23 left then? ?
On second thought – the „slots“ don‘t go from end to end.
so – obviously not that one, sorry
Reminded me of some Telefunken speakers I had in 1970…
could be one of those:
Sorry but if you have 15V at emitter TR27 and 14.3V at Base then TR27 as a PNP type should turn on. (0,7V on its BE-diode)
I would check TR27…
Ich hab sie hier mal vor einiger Zeit gewonnen 🙂
Am PC sind sie in Ordnung – nur bei ausgeschaltetem PC knurren sie ein bischen vor sich hin da sie nicht abschalten…
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