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  • in reply to: Fitting a new Apple TV into a Beoplay V1 #46185
    FOUNDER Member

      All the teardown and internal photos that I have seen of the Apple TV3 (both A1427 and A1469 versions) have the IR sensor almost central (opposite the hdmi socket). Perhaps there is internal reflection of the IR signal in your case?

      Yep, the status light is definitely covered! Hadn’t noticed previously, because of course it’s tucked away inside the back of the TV.

      Have you tried AVA Services?

      No, I haven’t tried them – completely forgot they existed, but I have a feeling they used to be based in Coulsdon? In which case I think they repaired (wonderfully) my old B&O Century a few years back. I’ll drop them a line. Thanks!

      in reply to: Fitting a new Apple TV into a Beoplay V1 #46183
      FOUNDER Member

        So, here is a photo of the AppleTV 3 (A1469) as fitted by the dealer to my V1-32 (please excuse the dust; I’ve cleaned it up now!).  It seems that maybe either the chart above isn’t correct, or the dealer has put the IR emitter in the wrong place! Actually I don’t think it’s the latter, because it works fine.



        Seems like if I’m going to replace it with my spare A1625, the IR emitter needs to go in more or less the same place it is now.

        Final issue: Can anyone point me at some used B&O/parts suppliers where I could look for a spare back cover for the V1-32…  I’ve tried a few of the usual places with no luck but maybe there’s someone I don’t know about but someone here might?



        in reply to: Fitting a new Apple TV into a Beoplay V1 #46182
        FOUNDER Member

          Thanks everyone! Some really useful info here to locate the IR emitter, and more!

          I’m not there just now, but I’ll grab a photo of the existing location of the IR emitter before I take it off the ATV3.

          The TV was set up by the dealer to operate the AppleTV3. When we bought the V1 new, they asked me to go to the Apple store and buy an AppleTV, and then they fitted it into the V1 and set everything up to work when the TV was delivered. So hopefully the new AppleTV HD will work the same, using the Beo 4 remote I currently use with the set.

          The AppleTV HD I have spare is quite a bit thicker than the AppleTV3, so I don’t think it will fit inside the clip-on cover on the back of the V1-32.  Even the latest model, which is thinner, I think still won’t fit (confirmed above). I tried to find a spare cover for the TV that I could maybe cut an appropriate hole in (!!!) but they’re hard to find, especially for the V1-32. And I don’t want to cut into the one I have. So maybe I just leave it off!

          in reply to: BeoWorld – For Sale (UPDATED 18th Feb 2024) #52153
          FOUNDER Member

            Just came on here to ask a question, after a protracted absence, and saw this post, and would like to add my personal thanks and appreciation for all the work running this site over the years.

            I’ve found it to be a very helpful and welcoming community, and I’m of course very grateful for my own prize draw win a long time ago!

            It’s a real shame what’s happened to B&O, a sad shell of its former self, and that’s bound to have had an impact on their former customers and enthusiasts.

            I do feel that, with some more intelligent and imaginative leadership, B&O could have forged a profitable path that remained authentic, but evidently that hasn’t been the case.

            Like SAAB perhaps, a brand that resonated mainly with an educated affluent professional middle class (such as used to be featured in B&O catalogues!) that has been disappearing globally for some time now. Coupled with the tectonic shifts in audiovisual technology, that’s undoubtedly been difficult for B&O, and difficult for a community catering to their current and former customers.

            But I’m rambling. I wish all involved all the best for the future and I really hope the site can be saved, in some form.

            in reply to: Fitting a new Apple TV into a Beoplay V1 #46171
            FOUNDER Member

              Apologies for attempting to resurrect this old thread.

              I never did swap out the AppleTV in our BeoPlay V1, but we still have the TV and I do now have an AppleTV HD kicking around that I’d like to try and hook up to the V1.

              Of course, the AppleTV HD (A1625) is deeper than the one that the dealer put in the V1 when it was new, so it might mean I can’t fit the back panel cover, but the TV is mostly against the wall so not the end of the world…

              How hard is it to ‘unstick’ the IR receiver from the old AppleTV and stick it on the new one? Or will I need to source a new IR receiver?

              in reply to: Fitting a new Apple TV into a Beoplay V1 #46170
              FOUNDER Member

                Thanks for the info! Though we have other AppleTVs around the house and so I’d like to stick with what I’m familiar with!!

                I wondered about getting the new one and taking all or part of its casing off… then it might just fit… if I do it, I’ll report back in case anyone else is interested.

                I know they’re a few years old now, and were never supposed to be  “proper” B&O TVs, but I still love the V1!

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