Thanks a lot for your easy understandable reply! 😉
I found a similar Product in Switzerland which i guess allows for what you described. I then asked myself if i connect the Beomaster 7000 with my Sonos Connect can I just listen to Sonos music since it is an input or does it work also the other way around. I have the additional Beogram and would obviously also like to listen to the music on my sonos speakers. I would play from the Beogram which is connected to the Beomaster and would like to listen not only on the speakers connected to the master but also on the sonos speakers. Is that possible? The Phono part and the Tape 2 part would then have to be active at the same time…
Additionally, how can i have Digital Radio on the Beosystem and can i still operate the Radio with the Beo4 Remote?
Thanks in advance for your helpful replies!
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