Home Forums LifeStyle BeoPeople What are you listening to…..right now.

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  • #33223
    BRONZE Member

    I was just listening to paradise radio on the b&o app , but right now it’s one of the very rare days when I don’t like it .
    Now turned off , and back in the garage playing around with a couple of explore speakers linked to my iPad .
    Started playing around last night watching YouTube videos of rem at Glastonbury 1999 .
    Pretty impressive little speakers when paired and placed far enough away

    GOLD Member

    Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 17.00.46

    Still need to see that documentary!

    Location: Netherlands
    My B&O Icons: No description available No description availableNo description availableNo description availableNo description available
    GOLD Member


    Man…how I used to listen to that album a lot back in the days.

    John Mayall  R.I.P.


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    GOLD Member

    Good old Lyle Lovett had a new album out in 2022 – first one for years.



    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
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