Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram volume control between Beogram 8000 + Beolab 8000

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  • #49936
    BRONZE Member

      What preamp is recommended for volume control between my Beogram 8000 turntable and newly purchased Beolab 8000 speakers?

      Previously, I tried using a Beomaster 8000 with custom cables: 2-pin din at the Beomaster end and RCA at the speaker end.  The sound was great for a few minutes before the Beomaster when POP and no more sound.

      So now, I’m faced with understanding what went wrong?  The answer will determine what to do next:

      1. Did I kill the Beomaster by effectively connecting the amp to amps in the speakers?  -OR-
      2. Did the Beomaster 8000 possibly die of “old age”?

      If #1 (amp to amp) then what B&O device is needed between my turntable and speakers?

      If #2 (old age) where should I get the Beomaster repaired or like #1, what is a good replacement?

      Thanks in advance , Dave (near Portland, Oregon, USA)

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