Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSystem Touchkeys not working on Beosystem 4500

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  • #41941
    BRONZE Member

      Hello everybody!

      I just bought a 4500 beosystem with BeoCord 4500, Beogram CD 4500 and Beomaster 4500 (software version 2.2).

      Unfortunately some touchkeys on Beomaster do not work and I don’t know if they can be easily repaired. The glass is intact and some of the keys actually work.

      I suppose this might be a fairly common problem for the Beosystem 3500/4500 and Beocenter 9000/9500 series but I still couldn’t find any meaningful troubleshooting information.

      Is there any website where I can find this?

      Thank you so much and I wish you all a wonderful 2023!!!


      Location: Portugal

        Hi and welcome to Beoworld!  (BTW  I just responded to your separate PM)

        Are you sure that the glass panel is not loose?  It can come unstuck from its plastic surrounds over time hence does not make contact with the sensors below.  If so, it will need removing and re-gluing.  I have done this process on a BC9500 but not a BM4500, so perhaps others can help if there is anything specific to look for.  I have read that the sensors underneath the glass panel can also become mis-aligned, so you do have to be careful when re-fitting the glass panel.

        You’ll get some ideas from this thread or a further search on the archived forums: https://archivedforum2.beoworld.org/forums/p/40307/299174.aspx#299174

        Location: Warwickshire, UK
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        BRONZE Member

          A very helpful reply. In fact my glass panel is detached. Since the Beomaster is sitting horizontally on a table I didn’t thought it would critical to have the panel glued back again.

          Strangely most keys work so I will check the alignments of all sensors.

          Thanks Guy!


          Location: Portugal
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