Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions Cartridge To retip or not to retip MMC6000

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    BRONZE Member

      I recently picked up a steal of a deal on a original owner 4002 TT. ( see “Should I spend $75” in this forum) It only needed a belt and solenoid to get the arm to properly scan and drop. I was blessed with a mmc 6000 in the deal.

      However, after purchasing a DIN 5 pin adaptor and connecting to my receiver I started doubting the condition of the stylus. Very scratchy. Tried a different adaptor, then speakers, then a different receiver . No change. I am about 90% convinced the stylus is worn out.

      Any advice on replacing or re-tipping this stylus is welcome. The deck is mechanically sound and almost mint.

      BRONZE Member

        Hi, I have used Franz-Josef Schulte at FJS Tonabnehmer Service GmbH & Co.KG for several cartridge rebuilds with excellent results. Hope this helps.




        BRONZE Member

          Thank you.

          I see his wait time is 1-3 months. Maybe that is normal but being in Wa State, USA I am not sure I have the patience. 🙂 I am also looking into replacing it. Since posting I have contacted Soundsmith here in the states. Awaiting options but still open to opinions from fellow owners.


          BRONZE Member

            Ended up finding a retipped mmc6000 on the bay.  Rebuilt by Joseph Long (Groovetickler), using the original beryllium cantilever, and retipping with a .12mm square nude .2 x .7 mil elliptical diamond.

            Thanks to Beoworld member Vintage Hifi Dude.

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