Home Forums For Sale & Wanted Wanted SP12 stylus?

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  • #59967
    BRONZE Member

      If anyone has an SP12 stylus I’d be very interested to know if this is (as I believe) an elliptical stylus and therefore better than dither Sp14 and SP10. Does anyone have one to sell please?

      BRONZE Member

        Check this out and PM me if you’re interested.

        Adapting Ortofon OM-Series for SP Turntables – Small Batch Coming Soon

        FOUNDER Member

          The SP12 does have an elliptical diamond – the others are spherical. I note there is a firm selling newly restored styli with a choice of tips though have not used him – audio-origin is the name. Seems to be retipping original cartridges. I have a bespoke SP2 cartridge with an elliptical diamond supplied by Frede at Classical Audio – fantastic cartridge.

          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeovision-11BeotimeBeosound-StageBeosound-MomentBeosound-5Beosound-2Beoremote-OneBeoplay-EarsetBeomasterBeolitBeogram-400x Beocenter-2
          BRONZE Member

            Thank you very much Peter and Territorial_ for responding. I have seen audio-origin on ebay in the last day or so and am thinking of giving them a try. I have an SP10 and an SP14, both of which appear to be still have perfectly smooth tips under microscope but I guess the cantilevers may have taken some wear over their nearly 50 years. The advertised SP10/12/14 elliptical is a pricey matter but I’m hoping it will be worth the expenditure quoted at £269.

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