Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound Problem with Beosound Core and local sources

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    GOLD Member

      Firstly, I would like to echo what YannChris said about the lack of user manuals, I have spent ages going through every screen I could find to try and set up the Core.  I have only just found the screen to tell the Core what type of speaker it is attached to!

      I have a Beovision Eclipse,  Beomaster7000 (with CD, Cassette tape, Beogram and a OneRemote), and a NL/ML converter.

      On the setting up local sources screen, I can see all my Eclipse and Masterlink sources and have selected the ones I want. But on the screen to select the source to play I can only see one Eclipse source and one Masterlink source and I think these were there before I selected any local sources.

      Any ideas on what I can do?

      Also, I thought I would have B&O Radio on the Core but have Tunein.

      Regards Paul

      Location: Hampshire
      My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
      BRONZE Member

        I don’t have a Core, but on my Essence, when I check the local sources, they immediately show up in my sources pick list

        The fact that you’re not seeing B&O Radio, maybe you need to upgrade your app?  Also, go into the TuneIn/B&O Radio tab on the app (the little transmit icon in the lower right corner of the app), and click on the B&O Radio tab, this might prompt for a TuneIn -> B&O Radio upgrade.

        GOLD Member

          The app shows B&O radio but it also says the Core does not support it. Will carry on investigating.  Paul

          Location: Hampshire
          My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
          GOLD Member

            Look for an upgrade to the Core software.  The latest should give you B&O Radio.

            GOLD Member

              An update. I did a factory reset and this time I made the BLC the primary Beolink product and the Eclipse the secondary Beolink product and I can both select the Masterlink sources in the local sources screen and then choose them in the app and on the remote. I can select the Eclipse sources in the local sources but they do not show in the app or the remote.  I can join a playing Eclipse source.

              Still no B&O Radio and I appear to be at the last version of the software, 2.1.50871.22855122.


              Location: Hampshire
              My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
              GOLD Member

                I have 2.1.51942 for my Core/Shape.  To be fair, I was a member of the beta test team for a time; nevertheless,  I believe this is the current release version.

                BRONZE Member

                  An update. I did a factory reset and this time I made the BLC the primary Beolink product and the Eclipse the secondary Beolink product and I can both select the Masterlink sources in the local sources screen and then choose them in the app and on the remote. I can select the Eclipse sources in the local sources but they do not show in the app or the remote. I can join a playing Eclipse source. Still no B&O Radio and I appear to be at the last version of the software, 2.1.50871.22855122. Paul

                  Did you set the Radio preference for your system/Core to TuneIn or B&o Radio?

                  To do so:
                  select Radio on the app
                  select “settings”
                  select “Radio services”
                  select “Bang & Olufsen Radio”


                  Note: only sources of primarily set Beolink Products are visible (a change after one of the sw updates)

                  GOLD Member

                    Carola, thanks for that about the primary,  I thought I had seen something like that but couldn’t find it.

                    I have spoken to my local dealer who sold me the core and they said the same about the preference but I already had it set. They have raised a call with B&O about B&O Radio. Will report back on response.

                    Location: Hampshire
                    My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
                    GOLD Member

                      Just had a response from B&O support. It is a known issue which they are working to fix. There is a temporary solution to switch the radio back to Tunein and then back to  B&O Radio, this works for me.

                      It might be that I migrated to B&O Radio before adding the Core.

                      Location: Hampshire
                      My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
                      BRONZE Member

                        I’m also waiting patiently for this issue of the secondary linked products not being accessible in the local list menu to be fixed. It affects all of my ASE products on the new firmware with b&o Radio.

                        Location: Eastbourne, UK
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