Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoGram Problem with Beogram 8000

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  • #41866
    BRONZE Member

      Hello Beoworld
      I have a problem with a Beogram 8000 type 5615, that I cannot figure out to solve.
      It does the following:
      When I press play, the arms move to the record, where they stops with the detection arm approx. over the first track of an LP. And then nothing else happens. It does this both with and without a record on .
      Is this a known problem and for which there is a solution?
      On the arrow keys I can move forward and back, but nothing happens when I press stop, where I would expect the arms to move back to the starting position?
      I have replaced all capacitors with no change. Bought a kit from Beoparts.
      The tacho disc has also been replaced. The old one was bad.


        Badly adjusted << and >> buttons?
        There are voltage readings stated in the service manual.


        BRONZE Member

          Hi Martin

          Thanks for the answer.

          I will look at it tomorrow.

          BRONZE Member

            Are you able to lower the tonearm manually with Play after moving it with the arrows? Does it play the record that way?

            BRONZE Member

              Now it works 🙂
              Thanks again, Martin.
              Before my adjustment I measured 1.3V and 340mV and after 760 and 650mV at the measuring points.
              I couldn’t get it all the way down to 2 x 620mV as stated in the manual.
              But it works.
              I can’t figure out what I’m adjusting, but it must be some mechanics of some kind?

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