Home Forums General Discussion & Questions BeoWorld Feature / Problem Objectionable behavior by member Henrik

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  • #32962
    BRONZE Member

      I know that there are often cultural and language misunderstandings, but I just cannot let this issue go without bringing it up. I was watching today’s Beotalk and our member Henrik was one of the presenters. About 1/4 or more of the way into the video, Henrik said something like “Get those f*gotts out of here.” I was absolutely stunned and shocked. I thought maybe I had misheard it. No. He actually used the “F” word as a slur. Maybe it’s used differently in other countries, but in the U.S. the “F” slur is just as objectionable as the “N” slur. That is totally unacceptable behavior by a member of this forum. I know that there are at least two of us members on this forum who are gay. While Beotalk is not directly associated with this forum, its presenters are on here and regularly promote that podcast.

      BRONZE Member

        The utterance from Henrik was “Get those F-gots out of there.” Beotalk Episode #229, timestamp 41.20. I’ve already reported this to Youtube.

        GOLD Member

          Sorry to say it…..
          …..but I think you’re exaggerating a bit?


          Location: Flensborg————Danmark
          BRONZE Member

            Sorry to say it….. …..but I think you’re exaggerating a bit?

            MM, maybe you don’t recognize this, but that was clearly a homophobic slur. That is not acceptable.

            BRONZE Member


              If Henrik had said on your podcast, “Get those N*ggers out of there” would that be acceptable to say on your podcast??

              BRONZE Member

                I think Beojeff is absolutely right!

                It is a shame, that you’d have to discuss about that.

                What else than discrimination and disrespect does this wording contribute to the content?

                I am quite dazzled in fact how many people here obviously think, that this bevavior is o.k.




                  I think Beojeff has a valid point and was quite right to raise it.  However, I am not convinced that this Forum is the right place to discuss such a sensitive and potentially contentious issue.

                  I am going to lock this thread temporarily, have an ‘offline’ chat with the other Moderators and then get back to Beojeff with some feedback and thoughts.  Please be patient while we look into this.

                  Location: Warwickshire, UK
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