Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions Cartridge MMC 6000 needle replacement

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  • #38801
    BRONZE Member

      Totally newbie here and I know little about turntables, but have a 4002 that was given to me years ago.  Just thinking about getting it up and running but the cartridge has no needle.  It’s an MMC 6000, and from what I can see online, these are crazy expensive, but it seems that the MMC 20EN may be a suitable replacement.  Does anyone know if this is accurate?

      GOLD Member
        • SF Bay Area

        I don’t know how much “crazy expensive” is, but you might find the information and available services with:




        BRONZE Member

          Thanks!  “Crazy Expensive” = $600+. I probably should have said “costly”, but I suppose it’s all subjective.

          Appreciate the links!

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