Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound Manual update of the BS 5 N.Radio database

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  • #41832
    BRONZE Member


      I came across this 2021 post from user Contratempo.  I tried to replicate, unsuccessfully.  I have:

      1.  Copied the nradio.db from the BM 5
      2.  Edited it using an SQLite editor, changing the streaming address of one station
      3.  Copied it back to the BM5, rebooted it

      The BS5 keeps on playing the old address’ stream.  I even removed it as a favorite and added it back in case it copies faves from the main db; no joy.

      Why haven’t I asked B&O?  Radio station http://stream.0nlineradio.com/haendel?ref=airable
      , the stream B&O has on its db, plays U.S. ads, at a louder volume, more numerously, and in poor taste.  The exact same station at http://stream.0nlineradio.com/haendel?ref=radiopl
      plays fewer German ads (which I mercifully do not understand) on a more subdued note.  I am simply not sure B&O would consider a replacement which is a matter of personal taste.

      I have Apple Music and Deezer so it is not as if I can’t play Händel ad-free forever from those, but I am making an effort to learn my way around.


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