Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVision Making own choice channel lists

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  • #60755
    GOLD Member

      I am wanting to make a list of my viewed channels, I have followed the BV10-40 Mk1 manual which indicated there should be onscreen instruction.

      There are none, I have a question lodged with customer care!

      How do I achieve this or should I just create a Favourite list?

      Thanks in advance



        I also wanted to amend the channel lists on my BV10-32, but couldn’t make changes using the method in the user manual – it just didn’t work! (I wanted to move the UK Freeview HD channels from 101, 102, 103 etc to replace the SD channels 1, 2, 3 etc)

        Although I didn’t try, I think the solution could be to make a Favourite List, but I couldn’t be bothered to move across all the other channels that I view.

        It will be interesting to hear the response from B&O.

        Location: Warwickshire, UK
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
        GOLD Member

          I have now got back to this small problem.

          I have been ‘fiddling’ about with the Favourites list, and have had some success!

          Probably because I do not use cards , just use ‘Free to Air’ satellite channels.

          Consequently the saved/moved channels are numbered from 1 in the listings, it’s a bit ‘b*ll aching’ but I am happy with this as my other B&O tv’s do not have the relevant pcb’s fitted.

          So for my satellite viewing I use satellite boxes which have the channels numbered from 1 onwards!

          It is a pain when the channels are rearranged on the satellite though!

          Still no response from Customer Care!

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