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    GOLD Member

    Hi all

    I have an old BV 7 motorised tv stand, and a BV 10 tv.

    I am wanting to connect the tv stand output to the stand, I have a rectangular 5 wired lead, and also a line socket which will connect to the 5 pin DIN plug.

    Anyone out there have the wire functions ie pins 1 – 5 of the rectangular plug and also the wire in functions ie pins1-5 of the din plugand their orientation?

    I hope my question is clear, it’s difficult to describe what I am looking for!


    Tony S


    Hi Tony,

    I have just answered your PM and attached this from the BV6 manual: (I think you already have the 8-pin connection list?)


    But have you considered buying a purpose built lead from here?  https://shop.oneremote.dk/shop/69053-oneremote/4172-tv-stand-converter-snut/

    I know from experience that the BV10-32 will fit onto the BV7-32 stand, but there is a problem with the geometry of the stand components versus the Centre of Gravity of the BV10-32.

    Here’s a side view of the BV7 stand:


    And a side view of the proper BV10-32 stand:


    When you put a BV10 on the BV7 stand, the TV drops all the way downwards and tilts fully upwards due to the orientation of the two (near parallel) cross members.  The different orientation/geometry of the BV10 stand hold the TV (stops it dropping) let allows you to tilt the screen up or down.  The entire mechanism appears stiffer and more controllable.

    When I temporarily used a BV7 stand for my BV10-32, I wedged a rectangular piece of rubber in the gap between the supports to stop the TV dropping downwards.

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    Similar discussion (and copy of rectangular plug connections) in this old thread:  https://archivedforum2.beoworld.org/forums/t/36445.aspx

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    GOLD Member

    Thanks to Guy for his kind help with information etc.

    I have now made up a conversion lead using a micro fit plug with attached cables and an 8 pin DIN line socket.

    And yes, it works!!!  😉

    I am about to contribute a piece about the repair of the microfit plug on the rotating stand using Farnell parts and the conversion piece

    Hopefully I have some photos to mount but my camera started playing up during the fabrications.

    I will also outline a solution to the stand geometry and the viewing angle of the 10-40 tv

    Currently the vertical angle for viewing is held by some cable ties around the pole and the rear bottom central cable mount at the base of the tv  —  it works but does not look good. I haven’t got a cable cover so not a problem.




    Anyone out there got said cable cover they would be willing to part with for an exchange of funds  —  colour doesn’t matter!


    Tony S

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