Home Forums General Discussion & Questions Mains Switch type 9820

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  • #53558
    GOLD Member

      I just stumble upon this on the Danish Ebay pendant


      To me it just looks like a mecahnical on/off switch for 230V, and that is also what the seller describes it as. It looks like it has the figure 8 connector on the cable to plug into a product, and I guess that it can take a figure 8 cabe in the other end of the switch

      My question is was this made for a specific purpose for a certain product? It seems like an odd product for B&O to produce.

      Location: Denmark

        I have one of those! Yes it’s just an on/off switch with figure 8 connectors as you describe.

        I think it was made for those who like to power down their devices when not in use – i.e they don’t like leaving them in stand-by. This could be linked to legislation in some countries but I am not at all sure.

        EDIT: And see Peter Pan post here: https://archivedforum.beoworld.org/forums/p/311/290767.aspx#290767

        Location: Warwickshire, UK
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        GOLD Member

          Judging by the Peter Pan thread it was a way to keep legislation. I guess a cheaper way than to reconstruct the products

          Location: Denmark
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