Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound Even on Beosound 5 – reading digital audio files

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  • #57628
    edoardo ceccoli
    BRONZE Member

    I can not find a reason on this issue (and, of course, how to fix it).

    I’ve owned a Beosound 5 (with Beomaster 5) for years.

    At that time I provided to rip my entire CD’s collection (about 1,500) in format WMA, using Windows Media Player.

    I noted that a song reproduced by my Beosound 9000 (direct from CD), at the end, faded out; on the contrary, the same song, ripped from CD in WMA format and reproduced by Beosound 5, ended suddenly, as if it had been cut seconds before the end.

    Now I am ripping once again My CD’s collection (now about 2,000), this time into FLAC format, using Exact Audio Copy, in order to get the best quality.

    But even now, listening the same song ripped in FLAC, I noted that the quality of sound has been improved respect to the WMA format, but the songs still ends suddenly, exactly the same of the files in WMA format.

    At this point, I am asking if is Beosound 5 software who cuts the songs instead of let them fade out.

    Could someone help me with that? listening to songs cut suddenly before the end, is not pleasant….


    Hi and welcome to Beoworld!

    I don’t have a BS5, but have you tried comparing the two formats using a different player, perhaps even WMP on your PC?

    Also maybe try using Windows Media Player (instead of EAC) to rip to FLAC, and see if that makes any difference.

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    edoardo ceccoli
    BRONZE Member

    Thanks for your reply, but… have you readen my post, before replying?


    Sorry, yes I read it wrong!

    But my suggestion to try a different media player to play the tracks still stands.

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    edoardo ceccoli
    BRONZE Member

    no problem, Guy

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