Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab DIY Beolab 8000 Wood frets (STLs included).

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  • #58759

      Hi everybody,

      The STL files were available to download to everyone free. The change of platform for the forum, I beleive, has broken some links or made unavailable attachments, thats why you can not see the stl files that use to be there.

      In the meantime, I’ve seen the clamps I designed, available for sale everywhere even to the point they give the Ikea-like guide I’ve also designed.
      The ownership of the clamps may be questionnable (anybody trying to made his own clamps will inevitably end with that design…) but the instruction diagram is clearly a steal.

      All that being said, I just can’t answer each individual request and send the STL’s by mail.
      And this without saying that some request are at least “dry” and sometimes even rude.

      So I’ll check with Multicare if the attachent feature is off or if I just need to reupload the files, but until then you all just gonna have to wait or, if you’re in a hurry, buy them to a fellow that did download them for free some month ago.

      Sorry if I’m bitter, and sorry you all, nice people, have to undergo the consequences.


      Location: Paris France
      GOLD Member

        So I’ll check with Multicare if the attachment feature is off or if I just need to reupload the files, but until then you all just gonna have to wait or, if you’re in a hurry, buy them to a fellow that did download them for free some month ago.

        Files have been added to the original post, some of the unknown filetypes were not added correctly.

        Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
        Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
        Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
        Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x

          Thank you.

          Location: Paris France
          BRONZE Member

            I found these in my downloads, not sure who is the author. Maybe it will help some of you.


            Matadoration: External link removed.

            BRONZE Member

              Link deleted, see my post below.

              GOLD Member

                I found these in my downloads, not sure who is the author. Maybe it will help some of you. *Edit: I uploaded it to Makerworld.

                Hi, thanks for this but please see post 58779, we added the files to the original post.

                Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
                Favorite Product: BeoGram 400x
                Signature: Multicare Electronics - Bang & Olufsen classic service centre.
                Repairs and refurbishment to both old and new.
                My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-TheatreBeosound-9000Beoremote-OneBeolitBeolab-18Beogram-400x

                  I found these in my downloads, not sure who is the author. Maybe it will help some of you. *Edit: I uploaded it to Makerworld.

                  Now it’s done but the least would have been to ask permission to do that.

                  If I’ve decided to make them available to Beoworld only and not on any random STL files platform, its for a good reason: Beoworld gives and you give back to Beoworld.

                  If you take time to read the full thread you’ll know that those clamps have been stolen again an again and even to be shamelessly put on sales.
                  First it’s a steal and a scam and second, it takes trafic away from Beoworld that needs people to come here for clamps and start a new passion that will feed the forum and then all of us.

                  Anyway, if you’re sensitive to all of that, please remove your upload. Me as moderator will delete your link since the files are now again available on the first post.


                  Location: Paris France
                  yongjiang li
                  BRONZE Member

                    thanks for the file, perfect result after half day of working Screenshot 2024-09-08 at 12.33.12

                    yongjiang li
                    BRONZE Member

                      thanks for the file, perfect result after half day of working Screenshot 2024-09-08 at 12.33.12

                      Ton Versteeg
                      BRONZE Member

                        Hi All,

                        Do other people have the issue that the STL are very tiny in Bambu Studio? The Cover seem to be a normall size.

                        All hyped to do this project, hopefully I can pick up a set of 8000’s this weekend.

                        Behrad Moini
                        BRONZE Member

                          Hey @lemme can you send me the 5 mm stl files


                          i cant find them



                          How does it look from the top down, though? Is there a significant gap between the wood and the metal? The others I’ve seen appeared to be poorly fitted.

                          Location: Toronto, Canada

                            Don’t know what you mean by “poorly fitted” but what pushed me to design this clamps was that the ones on the market have a bulgy look, too round, too thick, too ‘not elegant’. So I tried to reduce the arc of the grid as much as i can.

                            In the first post you have have a top view and also the template for the cardboard top plate that should give you an idea of the whole render.

                            Maybe it can answer your question.


                            Location: Paris France
                            H Nebs
                            BRONZE Member


                              i want to buy 1 set 3D printes for my beolap 8000 speaker

                              best regards


                              mail: nebs@duck.com

                              H Nebs
                              BRONZE Member

                                I have tried loading stl files in my printer, but they are only 10 mm
                                What do I do?

                                The only one that comes out in real size is the top plate

                                best regards





                                  Read the whole thread, there is something somewhere about scaling the parts.

                                  Location: Paris France
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    Hello guys

                                    I am really interested in building these wood cover and this seems to be a super convenient solution.

                                    Can you tell me how to download the file ? Not sure where to find on the forum.

                                    And thank you Matador for sharing it !

                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Dear Matador,

                                      Could I please have your input.

                                      I’m in the USA and 4mm sticks are not very common here. The closest is 1/8” or 3.2 mm. Do you think 3.2 mm would work? Or would the fret be too weak? If yes, if I glue the larger side pieces will the fret be strong enough? I’m also thinking a thinner stick should also have less effect on the sound. The sticks here are only available in locations far from me and the shipping costs are high. So I hope to have your input before buying the wood. Which is Basswood – a very light wood used in building model airplanes.

                                      thank you for your patience in helping so many of us with your great project!






                                        Hi Gregg,

                                        3.2 mm should work. The only difference I may foresee is the space between the blades larger than the blades themselves. I dont know how it would affect  the whole look.

                                        The fret doesnt have to be strong or stiff. It sleep on the speaker and you dont really move it after that.
                                        Now if the wood tends to bend or not be perfectly right, you can just add more middle clamps.

                                        Location: Paris France
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