DIY Beolab 8000 Wood frets (STLs included).

Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab DIY Beolab 8000 Wood frets (STLs included).

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  • #36783
      • Paris France

      Hi guys,

      To everyone interested, the STL files are available
      for download
       at the end of this post topic.

      I’ve always loved the Beolab 18 for their wooden frets. So beautiful!.
      I never liked the wood kit for BL8000, I find them too wide, too fat, too deep, I don’t know but they makes the speaker looks like unbalanced and bulky. And these kits are expensive.

      So here is my solution. Total cost: around 50€ for both speakers plus cost related to 3D printing. No damage to the speaker and totally reversible. The downside is absolutely no improvement in the sound, They keep sounding as 8000’s!

      The key part are the clamps, 3D printed parts that holds the wood in place and sleep on the speaker like the original fret do. The top piece has stoppers to keep the whole thing in place.

      Capture d’écran 2022-08-10 à 11.43.03

      You need 1 top piece and 2 or 3 bottom pieces depending on the wood quality (stiffness, flatness,…). At the beginning I planed to use just two pieces per speaker, but I needed up with printing attempts that went wrong in the back side. So I could use those piece as spacer and eventually it was better like that.


      For the wood, I used classic Fir wood bars from a local tool shop.
      For each speaker you need 7 of these:

      Capture d’écran 2022-08-10 à 11.23.37

      And 1 of these:

      Capture d’écran 2022-08-10 à 11.23.23

      The you cut 1 meter long pieces to get 14 bars and two “ears”.

      You can now start to assemble the whole thing. I found it easier to make this on the speaker itself.



      The wood bars will firmly snap on the clamps. Maybe with time I’ll need to add a drop of glue.


      Then you add the two ears. I fixed them with double side tape on the clamps.

      The top panel is a piece of black carboard cut to shape.

      Et Voilà !







      • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Multicare. Reason: added stl file
      • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Multicare. Reason: Also adding this one, I am unable to determine where the original post if
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      BRONZE Member

        This is a great idea!

        And if you don’t like the color of the wood, just take some “beize” (? les taches de base de bois ?) This is a pretty simple way to color the wood. Just think how cool it is, if the wood color fits to your furniture 🙂


        GOLD Member

          Hi ” Matador”

          I’d like to ask if you share the .stl file for the clamps.

          That would be great ;-))

          Kind regards


            • Paris France

            @Stereomensch: Yes! And the fir is perfect to tint.

            # Spassmaker: of course. I just dont know how to add an stl file to a post.

            GOLD Member

              Just send me a PM and we can share the. stl via Email.





              BRONZE Member

                Hi ” Matador” – I’m also intrested in the .stl – sorry I dont know waht a PM  is?

                  • Paris France

                  I dont know waht a PM  is?

                  Capture d’écran 2022-08-11 à 11.35.59

                    • Paris France

                    Message sent to both of you.

                    BRONZE Member

                      In terms of sound I would prefer a redline 140 speaker over a pair of 8000 any day.


                      And there are so many fancy alternatives for the fabric 😀

                      Akustikstoff is probably the best dealer for these fabrics


                      BRONZE Member

                        … and how is the weather at your place?

                        BRONZE Member

                          Hello Matador,

                          are you able to supply a set of these 3D printed clamps? if so what is the cost shipped to London N208?

                          if not perhaps you could shear the file.

                          I’m uncertain how to DM you as I’ve just joined this forum so I could reach out to you.


                          Best regards


                            • Paris France

                            Hi guys,

                            Thank you all or your interest.

                            As suggested by a member I’ll upload the file to thingiverse or similar platform for public access. I’ll also try to contact Christian Leicht who as a portal with printable B&O parts.

                            Will do it in the next days, along with a quick notice for assembly.

                              • Paris France

                              In terms of sound I would prefer a redline 140 speaker over a pair of 8000 any day.

                              I never listen to Redlines, but the Beolabs have replaced a pair of P50 who already had replaced S45’s, so I know what you mean and I’m… Not happy!

                              (Well, in fact I’m slowly getting use to them, I cranked up the bass a bit in the playmaker and compensate the mids and highs wit a pair od C40 in the rear, I start to like them)

                                • Paris France

                                … and how is the weather at your place?

                                Hot but manageable, there is air in the house…
                                Thanks for asking.

                                BRONZE Member

                                  Hi Matador, all,

                                  this is fabulous! It remembers me to this thread,


                                  now in old forum, both really great work.

                                  I just want to mention that one could re-use wooden blinds for the lamellas, like ikea „Lindmon“ (I think, not available any more but there are many similar on the market)?

                                  Best regards!

                                    • Paris France

                                    Hi Guys,

                                    I wanted to let you know that I’m still working on a way to publish the mesh “inside the B&O community”. If no success, STL’s will go to thingiverse.

                                    In the meantime, you’ll find attached a little How-to with the plan for the top mask.


                                    BL8000 wood frets


                                    BRONZE Member

                                      very cool – thanks a lot

                                      Question: do you work for the swedish furniture company with the blue/yellow logo?

                                        • Paris France

                                        do you work for the swedish furniture company with the blue/yellow logo?

                                        Like everybody in the world, I’m a customer.

                                        But not a worker! Thank you for seeing the “hommage”.         😀

                                        BRONZE Member

                                          Hi Matador,

                                          Last week I purchased a set of Beolab 8000’s of which the frets needs to be renewed. Now I’ve stumbled upon your topic about your DIY solution for the wood frets and I absolutely love it. Would you be so kind to share the .stl files with me as well, so I can start 3D printing the brackets as well? Will send you a PM as well. Thanks a lot!

                                            • Paris France

                                            Hi alls,

                                            The STL’s are now attached to this post.

                                            Credits and big thanks to Keith who add this feature so fast.

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