Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCord Connecting Beocord 4500 and Beogram 4500 via AUX in at my Beosound 3200

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  • #64426
    BRONZE Member

      Dear members and B&O Professionals,

      Since a week I own a Beogram 4500 Beocord 4500. I would like to connect the Beocord as also the Beogram to my Beosound 3200 (via the AUX connector). The Beocenter 3200 has only 1 AUX port, therefore I bought a “B&O suitable” 8 pin AUX DIN split cable (2 female 7 pin DIN to 1 male 7 pin DIN), to connect the Beocord and Beogram at my BC3200.

      Today I read on the internet in a post that using this way of connection, is asking for connection problems due to signal mixing and distortion. Therefore I did not realise this connection, because I would appreciate your opinion if I can make this way of connection yes or no and I also appreciate your advice, and if necessary the best alternative way to connect the Beogram 4500 and Beocord 4500 to my Beocenter 3200.

      Thank you in advance.


      Marcel (Netherlands)

      • This topic was modified 1 day, 5 hours ago by Makero.
      GOLD Member

        Hi Marcel,

        congrats to your excellent purchase! You can check the website of Steve at Sounds Heavenly, just click the sponsor logo above. He offers a cable for two input devices in one Aux-in socket: โ€ž7 PIN AUX SPLITTER – DUAL AUX / TAPE INPUT SOCKETSโ€œ. So it is possible to connect two devices at the same time to one Aux-in socket (I am using such a cable as described by Steve in the text with a converter and an Essence connected to the Aux-in of my BeoMaster 4500). Not sure if the one you got does fit, but this one should do the job, just ask Steve.

        The combo of a BS 3200 with the BG 4500 is really nice. I did this once with my BS 3000, when it was not possible to install the whole BeoSystem 4500. From my own experience ๐Ÿ˜: You could add a BM 4500 to the set and use it as a system of its own – in this case you can remote control the single units, even the BG.

        In any case, enjoy your great set up!

        Kind regards,


        • This reply was modified 1 day, 9 hours ago by Rolf2.
        Location: Germany
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          Do you have anything connected to the Masterlink (ML) socket of the BS3200?

          If not, you could add a Beolink Converter 1611, connected to the BS3200 by Masterlink.ย  Then connect either your Beocord or Beogram to the AAL socket of the Beolink Converter.ย  If you then put the BS3200 in A.OPT 2, you will be able to select this device by pressing any video input on the remote (eg DVD).ย  This then leaves the BS3200 aux socket free for the other component (Beocord or Beogram).

          The Beolink Converter is a useful solution for adding an extra aux socket to the BS3200 (and other systems) and allows you to select inputs using the remote.

          Location: Warwickshire, UK
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