Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoCenter CD ? DVD not loading on BC2

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  • #61697
    GOLD Member

      I have a disc problem, they will not load.

      Some months ago I read a post giving info about a system to check the operation of the disc  player, I cannot locate it, can anyone give me the referance or the code to use please.

      Meantime I will consult the BC2  tech section on here!

      Thanks in advance

      GOLD Member

        Are the wings opening ?

        GOLD Member


          GOLD Member

            I had some similar issues were the CD would not load and it turned out to be the belt for the CD tray that needed replacement.

            See my post here https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/beocenter-2-cd-tray-belt/

            Location: Denmark
            GOLD Member

              I will check tomorrow when i visit the model boat club, I have a box of ‘o’rings where i probably have the appropriate size, courtoisy of Lidl!

              GOLD Member

                So my ‘o’ rings are 3mm diam, I assume they will not work, I as yet haven’t opened the BC up

                That will be later in the week.

                Meanwhile, I have ordered some 25mm id x 1.5mm diam rings, they should also be here later in the week!

                Have a great festive season all who read this!!

                GOLD Member

                  So my ‘o’ rings are 3mm diam, I assume they will not work, I as yet haven’t opened the BC up

                  3mm will be to large yes.

                  Meanwhile, I have ordered some 25mm id x 1.5mm diam rings, they should also be here later in the week!

                  Good luck with the job. The service manual describes how to disassemble the larger parts as far as I remember, but not how to disassemble the CD loading mechanism. A good Idea will be to take pictures in the procces to remember how things are connected

                  Location: Denmark

                  Kose trading has a YT video where they take the BC2 apart.

                  Very helpful.


                  Location: Netherlands
                  GOLD Member

                    Thanks both for the leads

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