Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVision BV 10-46 Fan noise

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  • #60973
    Moritz Lebrecht
    BRONZE Member

      Hi Forum,

      this is my first post after acquiring a lovely BV10-46. Knowing this is already an older piece of technology, it still works like a charm.

      However, all of a sudden, I seem to have a rather loud fan (Fan1) that one can hear noticeable.

      Having checkt the service menu, the fan settings are factory, however, Fan1 is constantly spinning at 2600-2750, even when I just turned on the TV. Fan2 however seems to be spinning with only 22rpm.

      I believe this started when I first plugged in the TV cable and added all tv channels in the DTV mode. Even a factory reset with not adding any tv channels didn’t help.

      Tried looking on the web to find a solution, but wasn’t really able to find anything.

      Maybe someone here can help me?






        Hi and welcome to Beoworld!

        You may have already seen these two threads raising similar issues:

        One suggesting a software fix (talks about BV10-40 and Mk2 but may apply to your BV10-46 also): https://archivedforum2.beoworld.org/forums/t/7008.aspx

        And this one talking about fan replacement or cleaning – looks to be a big job!  https://archivedforum2.beoworld.org/forums/p/37391/284220.aspx#284220

        I think I have seen other threads where people have replaced fans with different quieter types – possibly in other older Beovisions.

        Location: Warwickshire, UK
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          In addition to the above, are you sure that the noise is not coming from an extra fan in the DVB module?  Updating this has worked for fan noise in BV8s.

          Updated SW for the DVB-HD module can be downloaded here:  https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041405212-DVB-HD

          Location: Warwickshire, UK
          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
          Moritz Lebrecht
          BRONZE Member

            Hi Guy,

            thanks for your replies. Much appreciated.

            yes, it is the fan when standing in front of the device is located on the back left side.

            Strangely, I moved the tv by lifting it from the stand brackets attached to the rear moving it just a couple of inches and all of a sudden the fan noise is back to normal. Readouts from the service Menu are back to normal again. I will monitor this closely.

            All software is up to date.

            however, I think I will try to open the case and remove all present dust from the years. Besides the information from the thread you’ve posted on how to open the case (removing 6 screws), how do I actually remove the front panel? Is it just the glass or are there any wires or the panel connected? Will it just slide off (which direction)?


            questions over questions I’m afraid…





              however, I think I will try to open the case and remove all present dust from the years. Besides the information from the thread you’ve posted on how to open the case (removing 6 screws), how do I actually remove the front panel? Is it just the glass or are there any wires or the panel connected? Will it just slide off (which direction)?

              I have never done this as I don’t have a BV10-46.  The service manual does explain and is available to Gold /Silver members of this site (see here).  I just had a quick look and after removing the 6 TX20 screws at the lower rear (under the connection panel cover) the front of the TV (frame and glass) should slide upwards and off.  You really need the service manual to identify and remove further components.

              Location: Warwickshire, UK
              My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
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