Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVision BV 10-40 mk1 reset screen size?

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  • #64261
    GOLD Member

    I have the above piece, initially set up with a facility to manually resize the screen size, unfortunately at that time I didn’t make any notes as to how to do this!!ย  ๐Ÿ™

    After some problems with my electricity supply(local area distribution probs) the set has reset the screen size to overflow each side as it were,

    I have looked at the options / picture but there isn’t the resize fearure visible, I think it is an engineering setting, but can someone direct me to it, I can get into it, menu 0 0 go etc

    Thanks in advance

    Finisterean tony


    I think that the safest way to approach this is to use the service menu, go to ‘Monitor’ and choose ‘Reset to Factory Settings’.

    Make sure that you note all your other settings first thought – go through the normal user menus and take photos, especially ‘Connection Settings’.

    If that doesn’t work (or you don’t want to reset) then I think you need to use the service menu to go to ‘Picture adjustments’, ‘Picture service menu’ and then ‘Geometry adjustments’.ย  But be careful making adjustments – note the initial settings and take photos so that you can restore back to what you currently have.

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    GOLD Member

    Thanks for the info Guy!

    I didn’t remember resetting anything in the monitor settings so I had a ferret around in the options.

    Found the problem, it was in the TV setup section, because I have terrestrial and also satellite digital I need to have both options ‘ticked’, somehow the terrestrial option had become unticked, I re ticked it and yes in the Picture list the size option had reappearedย  so an easy job selecting the correct picture size!

    Just discovered the same problem with my 10-32, same solution brought a resolution!

    Now a happy bunny again, have been building a 1:12 scale Pilot launch recently, or finishing it off after the covid debacle etc so now hopefully back to things B&O


    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 1 day ago by stotty1111.
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