Home Forums General Discussion & Questions B&O Radio Migration Available now

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  • #41063
    BRONZE Member

      Christian today posted a bunch of articles / links on the Discord server, explaining all the changes to functionality (explains change in my Buttons, alarms, one touch operation etc etc)

      Here are a few of them, though its probably easier to read his long Discord post.








      GOLD Member

        My Eclipse now has B&O Radio working and available from both the App and Beoremote. Just had an update to the app which seemed to make it work.


        Location: Hampshire
        My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
        FOUNDER Member

          My Eclipse now has B&O Radio working and available from both the App and Beoremote. Just had an update to the app which seemed to make it work. Paul


          Which generation is your Eclipse?

          I have a Gen 1 one (software version is the last one) and still nothing.


          Location: Brittany, France
          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1 Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
          GOLD Member

            Gen 3.

            Location: Hampshire
            My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
            GOLD Member

              Christian today posted a bunch of articles / links on the Discord server, explaining all the changes to functionality (explains change in my Buttons, alarms, one touch operation etc etc) Here are a few of them, though its probably easier to read his long Discord post. https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/8716445177745 https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/9940012232081 https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/9940005580689 https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/10855168034833 https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/10275507993489

              Thanks for pointing towards the explanation, that helps to understand. Unfortunately I cannot operate according to the hints how to toggle between radio services, because it is not available in my app.


              Location: Germany
              Favorite Product: It is obvious ….
              My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beoremote-OneBeoremote-HaloBeoplay-H9iBeoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A8Beoplay-A1BeomasterBeolab-18 Beocenter-2
              GOLD Member

                After an update of the app (on iPad) I am also able to use B&O radio (using Millemissen’s tip to rebuild a list of favorites from the bottom up). Playing my stations seems to work well from Core through BLC onto MasterLink, apart from one (quite annoying) change! – I now MUST start radio from the app. Radio with not start with the (IR) remotes. Only after starting radio from the app, I can use Beo4 to select the station or move up&down. The Core keeps playing radio after I switch (my BeoLink Active) off with the remote, but stops when I want to start RADIO (again) with Beo4. Has anyone else such a set-up (and issue)? My Core is at software 2.1.5087122855122.

                In the other thread (https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/new-software-edge-shape-core-bs1-bs2-a9-mk3-4/) I wrote that I corresponded with B&O about a similar problem (still with Tunein). I will see if there will be a change with any software update and let you know.

                I am able to toggle between B&O radio and TuneIn, so for now I will use the latter that still behaves a bit better and does not switch off radio when I use the RADIO button Beo4.

                Have a good evening!

                Location: Netherlands
                My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-10Beosound-5Beoremote-OneBeoplay-A1
                GOLD Member

                  Christian today posted a bunch of articles / links on the Discord server, explaining all the changes to functionality (explains change in my Buttons, alarms, one touch operation etc etc) Here are a few of them, though its probably easier to read his long Discord post. https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/8716445177745 https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/9940012232081 https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/9940005580689 https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/10855168034833 https://support.bang-olufsen.com/hc/en-us/articles/10275507993489

                  Thanks for pointing towards the explanation, that helps to understand. Unfortunately I cannot operate according to the hints how to toggle between radio services, because it is not available in my app.




                  This setting is also not available in my app either!



                  I have read what is in the links to the B&O pages.

                  For those of us, who are not on Discord, what is in the Christian posting there, that is not part of what the B&O pages explain?
                  Anything important?


                  Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                  BRONZE Member

                    apart from one (quite annoying) change! – I now MUST start radio from the app.

                    did you change your BLC settings (“IR Mapping”) accordantly?

                    GOLD Member

                      apart from one (quite annoying) change! – I now MUST start radio from the app.

                      did you change your BLC settings (“IR Mapping”) accordantly?

                      I did now! And it works. Thanks again for your help Carolpa!

                      When I first checked the BLC settings, I could not find ‘B&O Radio’ as a source. It turned out that in the set-up menu of the Core all source tick boxes (‘at sources in local list’) were unchecked. I re-checked the tick boxes, and ‘B&O Radio’ (actually ‘B&O Radio’) showed as a source in the BLC’s ‘IR mapping’ menu.

                      Location: Netherlands
                      My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-10Beosound-5Beoremote-OneBeoplay-A1
                      BRONZE Member

                        I’m able to migrate, but when I chose a radio, my Beosound Core says this source isn’t supported.

                        It says I’m on the latest software.

                        GOLD Member

                          Could it be that your B&O app needs an update?

                          Location: Netherlands
                          My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-10Beosound-5Beoremote-OneBeoplay-A1
                          GOLD Member


                            Try rebooting the Core.

                            To be sure that you actually are on the latest sw, try turning off automatic update (which you should turn on again afterwards), try to update manually.
                            This worked for me on a stubborn M3.


                            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                            BRONZE Member


                              Somehow it’s working now!


                              GOLD Member


                                My Essence MK II received the same update. It is connected as primary to a BLC, set up as A.Master. I use in one part of this ML network a BL Active with two BL 4500. TuneIn is mapped to Radio on a Beo 4. I cannot switch radio stations with my remote after starting Radio, though it is possible to start it with my Beo 4.

                                I also have opened a ticket at customer service for this issue, and also for the non functional B&O Radio migration.


                                Location: Germany
                                Favorite Product: It is obvious ….
                                My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beoremote-OneBeoremote-HaloBeoplay-H9iBeoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A8Beoplay-A1BeomasterBeolab-18 Beocenter-2
                                GOLD Member

                                  Hi Rolf,

                                  My BLC setup is practically the same (with a BeoSound Core and BeoLab 4000 though). Migration to B&O Radio did not help to fix what you describe. After a radio station switch on the B&O app, you should also be able to switch stations with the Beo4.

                                  Thanks for opening a ticket too, let’s hope B&O goes hunting for this bug soon!


                                  Location: Netherlands
                                  My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-10Beosound-5Beoremote-OneBeoplay-A1
                                  GOLD Member

                                    I received very quick feedback from B&O customer support, great service! Stating, my app not being on the newest sw level. That proved to be true, although I do not know why it did not update automatically. First, there was no possibility to update, but checking several times in the app shop, eventually it said „update“ and I did. My app is now at sw version Could anybody confirm, please?

                                    I am traveling at the moment, so I will check when I am home at the weekend.


                                    B&O told me to try, if the problem with the Beo 4 persists after the update. If so, I will go back to customer service again.


                                    Location: Germany
                                    Favorite Product: It is obvious ….
                                    My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beoremote-OneBeoremote-HaloBeoplay-H9iBeoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A8Beoplay-A1BeomasterBeolab-18 Beocenter-2
                                    GOLD Member

                                      Hi Rolf, I confirm that my iPad app has that same software version (with the same problem still unfortunately).


                                      Location: Netherlands
                                      My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-10Beosound-5Beoremote-OneBeoplay-A1
                                      BRONZE Member

                                        What I had to do to make it work…

                                        Update the app, then go to the Radio tab, and set the default service to B&O radio. After a few minutes it all worked.

                                        GOLD Member

                                          So, after returning to my home, I tried the migration I did trigger during the week in the app, et voilá, it proved to be working – almost.

                                          All devices are working, except my BS Moment. It shows B&O radio surface as well as TuneIn, but is still fixed on TuneIn. Even if I set it in radio services on B&O Radio (which I had to do by ticking the circled box manually), it plays TuneIn. A manual switch to B&O radio brings up the “not supported” message.

                                          In the menu of the connected BLC I also am able to only select TuneIn. it does not show B&O radio as my other BLC does.

                                          Anyone here who has done the migration with the Moment?

                                          Strangely, the afore mentioned second BLC, connected to my BS Essence MK II, says in the app menu, that it is integrated with the Moment, which it definitely is not.


                                          After having set all devices to B&O Radio, it seems that I am able to switch radio stations with Beo4 and BR1 in IR mode, if I start the Essence with my remotes. Still, I am not sure yet, if I did something with the app before using the remotes, so I will keep testing.


                                          Location: Germany
                                          Favorite Product: It is obvious ….
                                          My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beoremote-OneBeoremote-HaloBeoplay-H9iBeoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A8Beoplay-A1BeomasterBeolab-18 Beocenter-2
                                          GOLD Member

                                            Thanks Rolf. Maybe it is the Core that needs a bit of software work then. I am afraid I cannot help you with the Moment [edit] issue. Best of luck!

                                            Location: Netherlands
                                            My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-10Beosound-5Beoremote-OneBeoplay-A1
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