Home Forums General Discussion & Questions B&O App … what happened to volume control?

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    BRONZE Member

      There must have been an update recently, and all the sudden I’m not able to change the volume via app. I only have Beolab 50 in my system,  and I used to have a volume slider on the main page and now it’s gone. Hope it’s not by design.  Anyone else, please?

      Frankly I’m incredulous of their incompetence!!! There were bugs already with the volume control, and now they eliminate the problem by eliminating the volume control?! I hope I’m wrong.


      Are you using the Beta app? its a bug. It’s coming back. But I agree the way the update the app and just change/break things is unacceptable.

      Location: Toronto, Canada
      BRONZE Member

        Yes this happened last week, they are apparently on the case.

        There is also no option in the app to switch off your 50s, thats also a victim of whatever unwitting change they made.

        Quite staggering how these things happen.


        BRONZE Member

          I have the same issue the volume slider has gone totally stupid rang B&O they wanted the serial number of the speaker told them that has nothing to do with the questio of where has the slider gone. gave them the number she was a bit peed and said this has not been reported before.

          Why am i not surprised? My beolab 90 need a volume and the app was OK bit buggy now it is hopeless. There is a sort of volume when you are in setup but too many menus to get to it to be of any use.


          For a premium company their apps really stink!!!




          The first level response is stupid. I mean my name is attached to the account so look up the serial number on the support end. I mean why even ask that?

          But keep back and frothing with them and eventually it might hit the right person.

          Location: Toronto, Canada
          BRONZE Member

            Also nonsensical response from them, in that this exact problem was reported to them by numerous 50/90s owners last week.

            So they are already aware of it.


            BRONZE Member

              « For a premium company their apps really stink!!! »

              Totally agree ?

              Location: France ??
              BRONZE Member

                Give us volume control back please ?

                Location: France ??
                BRONZE Member

                  I don’t know who is responsible of the interface design but he should stop weed ?

                  Location: France ??
                  BRONZE Member
                    Location: France ??
                    BRONZE Member

                      Is this bug specific to BL50/90s or is there an app upgrade that I need to avoid (as a non-BL50/90 owner)?  Regardless, loss of volume control in the app is really, really bad (to state the obvious).

                      BRONZE Member

                        My iphone WAS set to auto upgrade so has lost the volume control. My ipad was not set to auto so I still have the older app with volume bar. So avoid auto upgrades?

                        In the meantime why not just replace the new app with the older one immediately so users get their volume control back whilst waiting for the new app to be re-writen?

                        Or how long do we have to wait?

                        BRONZE Member

                          someone on Discord posted that a subsequent update (5.8.1 I think) has restored the volume control for 50/90s, but not to update to it as the 5.8.1 update has a number of other issues as well.

                          The sorry tale goes on it seems.

                          BRONZE Member

                            I am not seeing any 5.8.1 yet?

                            ‘Just noticed it’s not just volume control gone… also wide/narrow unless you go into the configure page, (that actually opens after 4 years!) and play around there.

                            What the hell are B&O playing at?

                            They have taken a crap app, revised it into something unusable? For God’s sake, at any price this is unacceptable. At today’s B&O prices this is diabolical!

                            FOUNDER Member

                              They have taken a crap app, revised it into something unusable? For God’s sake, at any price this is unacceptable. At today’s B&O prices this is diabolical!

                              I agree

                              Location: Brittany, France
                              My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1 Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
                              BRONZE Member

                                My guess is that they are just assuming that the Sound Mode toggle – which has remained on the main screen – is enough, i.e. you only need the ability to chose between Sound Modes, some of which will be narrow, some wide.

                                I’m ok with that I guess, but I can see that this simplified choice is not going to be enough for everyone.

                                FOUNDER Member


                                  Version available today. I hope it’s not the buggy version mentioned earlier.

                                  Volume control is back on BL50 screen (Why did they made a yellow slider???).

                                  Nothing else tested for the time being.

                                  Kind regards,


                                  Location: Brittany, France
                                  My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1 Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
                                  BRONZE Member

                                    Its back, thankfully.

                                    Also, if you long press the Sound Mode, it will bring up another screen with beam width / latency toggles….


                                    BRONZE Member

                                      Today I finally gave up with the vile buggie damn stupid app and purchased a Halo instead! Maybe that is their game plan all along????

                                      Oh I can’t wait to report on how bug free that is????


                                      The Halo isn’t really buggy luckily. It’s just a bit laggy with very limited usage.

                                      Location: Toronto, Canada
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