Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVox Beovox RL question regarding straps

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  • #64387
    BRONZE Member


    I have a set of RL60.2 that I got as part of a system. I have noticed however that the speakers do not have the straps (or “ribbons” in the service manual) that wrap around the speakers. As far as I can tell, they serve no functional purpose (maybe stop the front from rattling?)

    I very much assume that these are no longer available, but has anyone tried making a set? If so, what material can be used? Any help gladly accepted. Even better, if someone has an old set they no longer need……

    Many thanks



    Iconic AV used to sell a set of replacement straps but I am not sure if they still have them available.

    Maybe worth getting in touch here:ย http://www.iconic-av.co.uk/item/942/Replacement+Straps+for+BeoVox+RedLine+RL+45+-+RL+45.2+-+RL+2000/

    Location: Warwickshire, UK
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    BRONZE Member

    Ah, thanks for that. It appears they indeed do have them. I shall order a pair.

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