Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVox Beovox CX 100 connected with B&O xTra Speaker Kit / Beocenter 9500

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  • #61844
    Stefan Cologne
    BRONZE Member

      Hello folks,
      I renovated two old Beovox CX 100 speakers and connected them to my X-tra Speaker Kit Relais Box . At the X-tra Speaker Kit, I can adjust the WATT Protection Controller. Unfortunately, this controller only shows the numbers 20W, 40W, and 60W. To safely operate the Beovox CX 100 with my Beocenter 9500 which setting should I choose at the Relais box?

      Thanks and best regards to all of you!


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      Location: Cologne
      Favorite Product: Beocenter 9300

        Welcome to Beoworld!

        For some reason I only have the installation manual in Dutch!  I think the setting assumes 8ohm speakers, hence it recommends 40W for CX50s, so you can probably go a little higher for the CX100s – say 50W.

        Safer to go too low than too high.


        EDIT:   Just realised that Google translate can work its magic on the text in an image:


        Location: Warwickshire, UK
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
        Stefan Cologne
        BRONZE Member

          Thank you so much Guy!!!! I thought that I can run the Beovox 100 with “nearly” 80 Watts in the relaisbox cause the have a maximum music power loading of 110 Watt. But perhaps it´s good not to go over 60 Watt as you recommended.
          See attachement.

          Best regards and happy christmas!



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          Location: Cologne
          Favorite Product: Beocenter 9300
          FOUNDER Member

            If you are using the CX100s with the 9500, you really have no issues – I would set the level to maximum. The 9500 is really a 40W per channel amplifier – the power levels were later described as 80W IEC when they changed the measurement standards with no change in the amplifier. I have used CX100s with a Beomaster 5500 which in IEC terms is a 110W per channel amplifier. If you look at the figures, the maximum power the 9500 can use is 200W and that is for the whole device. I used to run three extra rooms from my 9500 though one was for active speakers which is a powered unit. Excellent system – I have recently obtained a 9500 again (my third!- I had one stolen and gave another to friend of mine!) In my view, it is the best looking and easiest to use system made my B&O. Just reattached the tape for the glass tops and it is splendid – you can use it with a Beolink 7000 – very useful in a link room as it is almost like having the system in the room.

            My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 BeovoxBeovision-11BeotimeBeosound-StageBeosound-MomentBeosound-5Beosound-2Beoremote-OneBeoplay-EarsetBeomasterBeolitBeogram-400x Beocenter-2
            Stefan Cologne
            BRONZE Member

              Thank you so much Peter for your answer. Will follow your advice. Happy Christmas! Best regards! Stefan

              Location: Cologne
              Favorite Product: Beocenter 9300
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