Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVox BeoVox 3000 (Flat Panel) Passive Loudspeakers: mounting advice please.

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    BRONZE Member

      BeoVox 3000 (Flat Panel) Passive Loudspeakers: mounting advice please. New Member.

      Hi, i recently picked up a nice pair of Beovox 3000 flat panel passive speakers that included the original wall hanging brackets.

      The thing is i cannot find any advice about best location, distance apart or height from floor to sitting position etc, not even the manual suggests anything.

      The wall i intend to use them on is 3.10m wide by 2.60m high.

      best mounting advice would be greatly appreciated.



      FOUNDER Member

        Here is an extract of BL50 technical guide (available on the B&O website):


        Appendix 1: Recommendations for Critical Listening

        14.1 Loudspeaker Configuration

        The Beolab 50 provides you with an
        extremely wide range of parameters
        that can be used to adjust the timbral
        and spatial presentation of your
        recordings for various listening rooms,
        loudspeaker placements and listening
        positions. However, it is always best to
        start with an optimal configuration in
        your listening room.

        First consider the relationship between
        the loudspeakers and the listening
        position itself. The two loudspeakers
        and the listening position should be the
        three corners of an equilateral triangle.

        This means that the distance from
        each loudspeaker to the listening
        position should be the same as the
        distance between each loudspeaker.
        This also means that the loudspeakers
        will be 30◦ away from the front, centre
        location, directly in front of the
        listening position.

        Figure 14.1: The centre of the sound
        beam in the vertical plane is level with
        the top edge of the acoustic lens when
        raised (at a height of 108.7 cm from the

        Secondly, the two loudspeakers should
        be “toed-in” by 30◦. This means that
        they should be slightly rotated so that
        they are both facing the listening
        position. This is shown in Figure 14.2.

        Figure 14.2: A “perfect” loudspeaker
        configuration with Beolab 50’s. Both
        loudspeakers are aimed at the listening
        position. The distance from the listening position to each loudspeaker is the
        same as the distance between the two

        If possible, the height of the listening
        chair should be set so that the
        listener’s ears are level with the centre
        of the vertical beam, shown in Figure

        The next consideration is symmetry
        within your listening room. It is
        commonly recognised that the best
        stereo imaging will be achieved if the
        listening configuration (the triangle
        formed with the listener and the two
        loudspeakers) is placed in left–right
        centre of the room. Therefore, the side
        walls will both be the same distance
        from the listening position, and the
        loudspeakers will have the same
        distance to its adjacent walls. This is to
        say that the distance from the left
        loudspeaker to the left wall is the same
        as the distance between the right
        loudspeaker and the right wall. The
        distance to the front wall (behind the
        loudspeakers) should be the same for
        both loudspeakers, but certainly does
        not have to be the same as the
        distance to the side walls.
        Figure 14.3: An optimal placement for
        the loudspeakers with respect to adjacent walls. Note that the distance between each loudspeaker and its closest side wall are identical, and that the
        distances from the loudspeakers to the
        front wall are also matched.
        Figure 14.4: An less-optimal placement
        for the loudspeakers with respect to adjacent walls. Note that the distances
        from the loudspeakers to the front wall
        are matched , however, the distance between each loudspeaker and its closest
        side wall are not identical.
        Figure 14.5: Another example of a lessoptimal placement for the loudspeakers with respect to adjacent walls. The
        distances from the loudspeakers to the
        front wall are matched, however, the
        right loudspeaker and lacks a side wall

        Location: Brittany, France
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1 Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2

          I can’t find anything on the archived forums about BeoVox 3000 placement, but there are a couple of threads about the larger BeoVox 5000s that may be of use:



          Personally I would try to position with the Beovox’s tweeters at approx listening (ear?) height and conduct some experimentation with the distance from the corners, whilst aiming for a approx equilateral triangle between listening position and the two speakers.


          Location: Warwickshire, UK
          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
          GOLD Member

            That very much depends on how you want to use these speakers?
            Are they connected to a tv, are they in a smallish room…a dining room or in the living room with couches and so on……..?

            I have seen different – very different – placement option over the years!
            When I – a long time ago – had mine, one set (BL5000’s) were connected to the tv in the living room, they were mounted so that the tweeter was in ear height…..in that case they would have looked misplaced with the tv on a lowboard, if placed higher up.
            The other set (BL3000’s) were in the dining room and were mounted a great deal higher.

            The thing about these speakers is that they look kind of odd, if mounted too low….unless they are tv speakers.

            IMO they look best, if you place them as a picture on the wall.
            After all they are not speakers intended for critical listening, so don’t worry too much about ‘tweeters must be in ear height’.

            I’d say – there are no rules.
            As a wise man use to say…..it depends.

            By the way….welcome to the forum.


            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
            BRONZE Member


              thanks for the welcome, and no they are not going to be used with a tv.

              we have the 5500 system currently running in the ‘music’ dining room, and currently using my partners rather nice Ruark bookshelf speakers. But for cleanliness of lines and clutter freeness i intend to put up the beovox’s soon.

              I agree if they were mounted in ear level they would look odd (though when i tested them on the floor firing up they sounded incredible!). so your advice about treating them as pictures/ works of art seems to be along the lines i was thinking too.

              So i kind of have the height bit in hand but how about how far apart / in from the side walls would you recommend? I have 3.10m to play with. The right hand speaker will have a part wall to deal with, about 3 feet into the room then it opens out to the kitchen entrance. The left hand speaker will basically be next to a doorway, so also mounting it too low might result in leaving chunks of my forehead on the pressed steel edges! lol.

              Also one last thing, they seem to be orientable ie that one side under the steel houses the crossovers (i think) and the other side the speakers, which side would the steel housing be best placed? I am thinking along the lines of perhaps making the speakers on the outer edge thus giving the most stereo spread available.

              I have attached a wide angle pic to try help explain it….

              thanks for your help, i have other questions and problems with my cd player and queries about the amp running hot but ill have to leave those ‘essays’ for another day haha.

              best regards


              BRONZE Member

                I think this bit i can reply to all of you?

                Tanks so far, please see text and picture copied from conversation with Millemissen.



                thanks for the welcome, and no they are not going to be used with a tv.

                we have the 5500 system currently running in the ‘music’ dining room, and currently using my partners rather nice Ruark bookshelf speakers. But for cleanliness of lines and clutter freeness i intend to put up the beovox’s soon.

                I agree if they were mounted in ear level they would look odd (though when i tested them on the floor firing up they sounded incredible!). so your advice about treating them as pictures/ works of art seems to be along the lines i was thinking too.

                So i kind of have the height bit in hand but how about how far apart / in from the side walls would you recommend? I have 3.10m to play with. The right hand speaker will have a part wall to deal with, about 3 feet into the room then it opens out to the kitchen entrance. The left hand speaker will basically be next to a doorway, so also mounting it too low might result in leaving chunks of my forehead on the pressed steel edges! lol.

                Also one last thing, they seem to be orientable ie that one side under the steel houses the crossovers (i think) and the other side the speakers, which side would the steel housing be best placed? I am thinking along the lines of perhaps making the speakers on the outer edge thus giving the most stereo spread available.

                I have attached a wide angle pic to try help explain it….

                thanks for your help, i have other questions and problems with my cd player and queries about the amp running hot but ill have to leave those ‘essays’ for another day haha.

                best regards


                FOUNDER Member


                  If it may help, I placed my 4000s in order to have their bottom at aproximatively 2/3 of the room’s height.

                  There is a couch in front of them, so they are a bit high but it’s an annex system and the result is not so bad.

                  I guess they would be OK in front of a dining-room table.






                  Location: Brittany, France
                  My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 BeovoxBeosound-TheatreBeoremote-OneBeoplay-P2Beoplay-H95Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeosound-1 Beolab-50 Beolab-18Beogram-400x Beocenter-2
                  BRONZE Member

                    WOW that looks really cool!

                    Yes thats more help, gives me an idea about height and width distancing.

                    On the whole our dining/ music rooms less for critical listening, so i think i’ll dispense with having tweeters at ear height etc. I have to consider what the main systems sitting on, please see my pic of the dining room wall to be used.

                    thanks for your help


                    GOLD Member

                      I suppose that you – at some point – will remove the boxes from there…

                      I suggest that you make a piece of cardboard/paper in exact the same dimentions as the speaker/s and try to place that on the wall, in order to have a more visual impression of how it may look.

                      I’d move the cupboard to the left to have it in the middle of the wall.
                      Then the distances on either side could be approximately equal.


                      Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                      BRONZE Member

                        LOL, yes it is a mess but we have just moved in so things are topsy turvy.

                        eventually i’ll get those boxes of cd’s cleared on the right and yes the top level of the record rack will be cleared off. For now its unlikely the rack will be moved centrally as it can interfere with the doorways ‘flow’. We also have a proper hifi rack for the system to go in hard against the wall at the right hand side. For now we are just happy to have a (mostly) working B&O system to listen to.

                        Your idea of making cardboard squares of similar size of the Beovox 3000’s to stick up to work things out, distances and ‘look’, is a really good idea! thanks! ill deffo try that out.



                        BRONZE Member


                          tonights pics after clearing off the record racks and finding boxes to cut to approx size.

                          I have stuck them on the wall as a temporary guide and thinking to drop them down a bit (in line with the top of door frame – this doorway remains open but the lounge is through there so if sound leaks in thats fine).

                          Then in a bit, maybe just 1 to 3 inches and the brushed steel sides look best to me on the outsides.

                          what do you all think?




                          GOLD Member

                            Yes, I also think that they are a bit too high up – get them inline with the doorway is a good idea.
                            And yes, also a bit in.

                            Please note – once you have found the right placement – and the wallbracket is mounted – you can alway try to swap them out right<->left to see, what looks best.


                            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                            GOLD Member

                              My 3000’s were placed about 2/3 the height of the room, connected to a Beogram 8000 and Beomaster. I only took them down late last year when the theatre arrived. I never had the original mounting bracket so I used hooks that required 9 tiny pins on each side, each hook could hold 16kg, overkill but kept them safe through 7 years of use.

                              The right speaker was closest to the window and after several years B&O lettering flaked off.


                              BRONZE Member


                                yep I’m aiming for around 2/ 3rds high.

                                I was fortunate enought to get a nice pair of 3000’s with the original brackets too!

                                have bought a laser leveller so hope to be drilling holes soon!




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