Home Forums General Discussion & Questions BeoVision Horizon Google Updater

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  • #60743
    BRONZE Member



      I just wanted to update the software on my mums BeoVision Horizon. I googled a bit and it seems that there has been a Google Updater for this TV some while ago.
      I requested this Updater from B&o Support today but it seems they deleted the updater from their intranet.


      does anyone still have the updater as anWindows installation file for me?



      BRONZE Member

        That can’t be real lol. They inadvertently deleted the file from BeoWise and now have no way to retrieve or recreate it!?

        I’d go back to them and demand an explanation.

        If they provide no solution, I hope someone who had downloaded that in the past is now able to upload it for you.

        If not and you’re confident with technical stuff, maybe try the manual steps I’ve outlined here: https://forum.beoworld.org/forums/topic/bv-horizon-cannot-log-into-google/page/2/#post-39746

        (Which are what the “GoogleUpdater.exe” file does, but done manually)

        If you get any error messages, please report here with as much detail as you can.

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