Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoVision BEOVISION 7 NOT TURNING ON ?

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  • #40246
    BRONZE Member

      Hi there ..just conected tv up and it will not turn on…I have the red standby light showing..but nothing else will happen..I have turned of and on again…there is no aditional things plugged into except the stand and lower speaker…please advise.Thank you.


        Firstly are you sure that the remote is working? View the end with a mobile phone camera (iPhone selfie camera works) and see if you can see the IR transmitters glowing.

        Otherwise, perhaps the TV is in V.OPT 0, where it does not respond to IR commands. To resolve this:

        With the TV at standby/off.

        On the Beo4, press the POWER (Red Dot) button and LIST together. Then press LIST until OPTION is shown, press GO (centre button), and then press LIST to show V.OPT. Then press 1. The power light on the TV should blink to show that it has been accepted.

        Now try the remote and see if the TV will respond

        Location: Warwickshire, UK
        My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
        BRONZE Member

          Hi Guy…Firstly thanks for replying ! I cannot see anything glowing on the end of the remote…so i think i will go to the B+O shop and get it checked out first….then check your other ideas…I really apreciate your help and will be in touch regarding the outcome..Thanks.

          BRONZE Member

            Guy…Whoops yes can see the remote working..


            BRONZE Member

              Just tried your idea and no joy..no flashing red light.and remote goes to radio.

              BRONZE Member

                Sounds like it may be a defective power board, had there been any issues prior to the failure, such as screen flicker or stand control problems?

                BRONZE Member

                  Morning…No problems at all TV has been great..Just wont turn on now.


                  BRONZE Member

                    Are you able to move the stand using the remote control when the set fails to switch on?

                    BRONZE Member

                      Thanks very much for all the interest and solutions…..I called a B+O Engineer in…and all is sorted now…Thanks again.

                      GOLD Member

                        Congrats on that.

                        I guess not just I would want to hear what was wrong and how it was sorted!


                        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
                        BRONZE Member

                          As above – what MM said.  Always helps to know what the solution was in order to help future members with the same issue.

                          Location: Eastbourne England
                          BRONZE Member

                            I get this….and i think it was a simple thing inas much as …I think it was a simple case of a wrong wiring up..which caused the TV  to fail.

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