Home Forums BeoWorld around the world! Deutsche Beosystem 7000 und Beovision Eclipse

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    BRONZE Member

      Hallo Forum,

      so mein erster Post im “neuen” Forum, hoffe hier wird mir genauso gut geholfen wie im alten 🙂

      Zu meiner Ausgangslage: Ich besitze einen Beovision Eclipse 65, Beolabs 8000 (am Eclipse) und ein Beosystem 7000. Nun möchte ich gerne beides verbinden, so dass ich meine Schallplatten vom Beogram über das Setup Eclipse & Beolab zu hören sind.

      Von meinem vorherigen 10-46 habe ich noch einen Powerlink auf Masterlink Converter am Beosystem. Nun ist meine Frage was ich benötige um von Masterlink dann auf RJ45 für den Eclipse zu gehen? Genügt da ein normales Kabel, wie es auf Ebay angeboten wird oder brauche ich einen weiteren Converter, wie von Alamndo? Und wenn ja welchen?

      Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe


      GOLD Member

        Hallo Matthias

        Eigentlich gibt es 2 Möglichkeiten.

        1: die kompliciertere und bessere.
        Du brauchst einen (B&O) ML/NL Konverter um deinen BM7000 bzw den Masterlink Konverter mit einem NL-basierten Setup (Eclipse und eventuelle andere NL-Lautsprecher im Setup) zu verbinden.

        So kannst du den BM7000 inclusive Beogram ungefährt so bedienen wie vorher mit dem BV10.

        2: die einfachere/günstigere, aber nicht so bequeme Lösung.
        Ein (DIN-)Kabel vom BM7000/A.Aux oder auch vom PL zu Minijack/Line-Eingang am Sound Center/Eclipse.
        Hierbei wird einfach das, was am BM7000 abgespielt werden über die Lautsprecher/Eclipse, hörbar. Die Quelle/BM7000 muß manuell/Beo4 ausgewählt/kontrolliert werden. Die Laustärkeregelung erfolgt über den Eclipse.

        2a: falls es dir nur um den Plattenspieler geht, könntest du einfach diesen mittels Adapter DIN zu Minijack mit dem Line-Eingang am Soundcenter verbinden (der BM7000 wird dann nicht benötigt).
        Der Beogram muß mauell bedient werden/Lautstärkeregelung über Eclipse.


        Hoffentlich hilft dies ein wenig!



        Location: Flensborg————Danmark
        GOLD Member

          Sorry to reply in English but I have an Eclipse and a BM7000 and B&O told me that possibility 1 won’t work, the Eclipse NL doesn’t work that way so I have had to go with possibility 2 but sacrificing a BM7000 connection  since AAux is used to connect  to the Masterlink  converter.



          Location: Hampshire
          My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
          GOLD Member

            I can easily reach (and play from) my Beosystem 7000/CD on my Essence in a linked room.

            The setup is Beosystem 7000 -> Beolink/ML Converter -> NL/ML Converter -> into my NL products.

            Why shouldn’t that be possible with the Sound Center……which is a NL product?

            It is all about how the setup is configured!



            Location: Flensborg————Danmark
            GOLD Member

              That’s what I thought but it doesn’t seem to work, pressing CD as shown above does nothing, how should the NL/ML Converter be set up?

              Location: Hampshire
              My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
              GOLD Member

                I can listen to sounds from the Eclipse on the Masterlink products and even switch it off but not the other way round!

                Location: Hampshire
                My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
                GOLD Member

                  MM, taking your lead I played around with the settings and it all works! The dealer had spent a number of days talking to B&O who were adamant it wouldn’t work.

                  The only minor issue is that if I mute the Eclipse sound it also mutes the linked product.


                  Location: Hampshire
                  My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
                  BRONZE Member

                    I can listen to sounds from the Eclipse on the Masterlink products and even switch it off but not the other way round!

                    To setup your system and know the capability limits of this system, please give some insight of your products (ML, NL)

                    Also settings of options (ML) and the BLC is essential

                    BRONZE Member

                      MM, taking your lead I played around with the settings and it all works! The dealer had spent a number of days talking to B&O who were adamant it wouldn’t work. The only minor issue is that if I mute the Eclipse sound it also mutes the linked product. Paul

                      Same question as above for you.

                      GOLD Member

                        For the NL/ML set up I did the following, not sure this is the best way but it works.


                        Experience mapped to NL

                        Sources visible on ML

                        I then followed the BeoRemote User Guide for the Beolink set up, in my case I did not see the link symbol against the source so I just see “Radio” not as in the picture.


                        Beoremote link

                        This all seems to work well, I can select a source on the BM7000 with my Beo4 and it plays and I can control the volume or I can select the source using the Beoremote. I can also play audio from the Eclipse on my Beolab 3500, my Beovision 6 and Beolink PC2. The only problem I really have is not being able to choose a speaker group when in Beo4 Audio mode.

                        On my Beoremote I have a choice of “Lounge” my Eclipse or Beo4 Audio and choose which one.


                        Hope this helps.



                        Location: Hampshire
                        My B&O Icons: Beo4 Beovision-EclipseBeosoundBeoremote-OneBeomaster
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