Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound BeoSound MK III, CD sledge moving very slow

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  • #63692
    SILVER Member

    I have a BeoSound 9000, type 2571/MK III, serial 17xx xxxx.
    The unit is vertically positioned on a floor stand.
    This BS9000 shows some strange behavior, here’s an overview.


    1. The CD-sledge moves very slow between CD positions. I think the speed is about the same as when the door is opened (the protection mode to prevent ‘fingers in guillotine’).
    2. When commanded to move from CD1 to any other CD position, the CD-sledge first drops about 3 mm down (see picture below), then waits about 22 sec. before it moves to the selected CD. (It does correctly go to that CD, and starts playing it)
    3. All movements between CD2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are executed after waiting 10 seconds. In these cases, there is no initial drop movement of a few mm (as from CD1 position).
    4. When moving from one CD-position to another, the display shows the notification ‘Cleaning required’.

    BeoSound 9000 Peter Zuidgeest - CD1 3mm Drop


    What I have done so far

    I started checking the ‘Cleaning required’ as I noticed this unit collected quite some dust. So I first cleaned the two prisms, the aluminum around it and the front and back side of the glass.

    Result: the ‘Cleaning required’ notification is still there.



    Although these issues occur, all CD-functions do work. The CD-sledge does move in the end, all CD’s start spinning & playing.

    I have repaired a BS9000 before, exchanging the faulty laser unit for a new one. I assume this is not needed for this unit.

    But, are there any specifics/places in the BS9000, I should first look at?



    Location: The Netherlands

    Perhaps take another shot at cleaning the laser that detects the open door.

    Location: Toronto, Canada
    SILVER Member

    Thanks for your reply and advice. I have done so. In fact, I have even done some more cleaning by carefully using compressed air. Also near the CD-sledge.

    Unfortunately , there was no effect. I still see the ‘Cleaning Required’ notification in the display.

    Reading the Service Manual and the possible test modes, I decided to do TM71: Mechanical test of ‘Finger Protection’, sledge and led. I have CD’s  loaded in positions 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 but no CD in position 1. Here’s what happens (looking at each step of this test):

    • Glass door opens = Correct.
    • Glass door closes = Correct.
    • Sledge moves slowly to CD6 = Not Correct.
      • Display shows: Cleaning Required > CD1 > Load CD.

    In this step, the sledge moves about 2mm down from position 1 (like in normal use), but then doesn’t do anything.
    So here the test ends/does not continue for all other steps. (All others are listed underneath)



    • What is wrong, and what next step should I make?

    Remaining steps of TM71, not executed:

    • Sledge moves Quickly to CD1 =
    • Sledge moves Quickly to CD6 =
    • Glass door opens =
    • Sledge moves Slowly to CD1 =
    • Sledge moves Slowly to CD5 =
    • Sledge moves Slowly to CD1 =
    • Sledge moves Slowly to CD4 =
    • Sledge moves Slowly to CD1 =
    • Sledge moves Slowly to CD3 =
    • Sledge moves Slowly to CD1 =
    • Sledge moves Slowly to CD2 =
    • Sledge moves Slowly to CD1 =
    • Test finalizes in position 1, with the glass door still open.
    Location: The Netherlands
    SILVER Member


    I must admit, I had real doubts about this issue, whether they would be caused by dirty glass door sensors or glass. Especially since the CD-sledge showed a hick-up when trying to move from position q1 to any other CD position. Therefor I was thinking about some mechanical disruption in the movement area of the CD-sledge.

    Nevertheless, I decided to once more do a thorough cleaning of the 2 prisms, the whole aluminum surface area, and the glass door (inside & outside). After that I ran TM71 in the Service Mode …. And yes, the ‘Cleaning Required’ notification has gone, and all movements of the CD-sledge are back to normal. Also no more hick ups when the CD-sledge starts moving from position 1 to any other CD position.

    So my lesson here, cleaning has to be thorough cleaning!

    : thanks for your advice. It did do the trick.


    Location: The Netherlands

    Glad it worked out.

    Location: Toronto, Canada
    SILVER Member

    Thanks again!

    Location: The Netherlands
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