Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoSound beosound 9000 setup Beolink4 Beolink / Masterlink Gateway

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  • #50456
    BRONZE Member

      Beosound 9000 was connected per Masterlink with Beolink / Masterlink Gateway and the Gateway with LAN with the B&O TV, and the Beolab speakers with the TV. The remote by this installation is BeoRemote one.    By Repair of Beosound 9000 CD-Player the Beosound 9000 was setup with beolink 4 with this instruction: Halten Sie die Taste • gedrückt und drücken Sie dabei LIST auf der Beo4. > Lassen Sie beide Tasten los. > Navigieren Sie mit der Navigationstaste nach oben bzw. unten, bis OPTION? auf dem Beo4-Display angezeigt wird. Drücken Sie anschließend die mittlere Taste. > Navigieren Sie mit der Navigationstaste nach oben bzw. unten, bis A.OPT auf dem Beo4-Display angezeigt wird. Geben Sie anschließend die richtige Nummer (0, 4, 5 oder 6) ein.

      Now the Beosound 9000 read the CD´s again, but it doesn´t work anymore with this setup.

      I can start playing the Beosound 9000 manually with the CD boton on the units, I can start it playing with beolink 4 an control the volume, but I can´t hear the sound on the speakers. I tried to check and setup in  Beolink / Masterlink Gateway over http address, I can´t see the in the menue Beosound 9000 to choose it for playing.

      I think the problem is with the wrong setup of the remote beolink, but how to install the Beosound 9000 in the setup back again?

      Anybody can help, please?

      GOLD Member

        The BS9000 must in this case – when it is connected to a tv with the speakers – be in A.Option 0.
        However a BS9000 does this automatically, when there are no speakers connected to the PL output.

        The described procedure with the Beo4 does not change the remote – it is only meant for changing options of the audio product.

        Can’t really help further….apart from the fact that this can not be caused by the Beo4 – must be something else.


        Location: Flensborg————Danmark

          I am not sure what B&O TV you have, but in an ML setup to receive the ‘audio’ commands the TV should be in V.OPT 2.  I am not sure how this is done with a BeoRemote One, but there must be a way!

          What B&O TV do you have?

          EDIT:  I see that you do have a Beo4:  With the TV in stand-by, follow the same procedure as with the BS9000, but when you get to A.OPT use the arrows to select V.OPT and then press 2.

          Location: Warwickshire, UK
          My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
          BRONZE Member

            I’m presume the setup was / is (please correct me if I’m wrong):

            NL Beovision with speakers connected – Beolink NL/ML converter (BLC) – BS9000.

            so the most obvious first thing to do: disconnect everything from the mains, wait a minute or two and reconnect everything.

            If this doesn’t do the trick, tell us more about the BV and please post pictures of the BLC setting.

            BRONZE Member

              I have the Beovision 11

              BRONZE Member

                ok, will try this first, thx

                BRONZE Member

                  you are right, the setup is like this

                  BRONZE Member

                    Hi there, i have replaced the SMD capacitors on the Masterlink board in the BS9000 before connecting back in the system and have tried every instruction  i have received from you guys, but… the BS9000 is still not visible in the Masterlink Gateway and I don´t have the sound.

                    I have tried :

                    disconnect everything from the mains
                    i have set up the BS9000 with beolink 4 to A.Option 0.
                    there is no reaction on Beovision 11 tv to setting option V.OPT 2 with beolink 4
                    there is no option like this to set up Beovision 11 tv to setting option V.OPT 2 with BeoRemote one.
                    If I choose CD with beoremote one I hear radio, same if I choose radio with the remote.

                    I post some pictures from setup Masterlink Gateway, I can´t find anywhere the BS9000.

                    I have created the service report as archive XXX.tar.gz file. But i don´t know where to find the communication between Masterlink Gateway and BS9000 in this report?? Or what is name of this file including communication report??

                    BRONZE Member

                      Hi there, i have replaced the SMD capacitors on the Masterlink board in the BS9000 before connecting back in the system and have tried every instruction i have received from you guys, but… the BS9000 is still not visible in the Masterlink Gateway and I don´t have the sound. I have tried : disconnect everything from the mains i have set up the BS9000 with beolink 4 to A.Option 0. there is no reaction on Beovision 11 tv to setting option V.OPT 2 with beolink 4 there is no option like this to set up Beovision 11 tv to setting option V.OPT 2 with BeoRemote one. If I choose CD with beoremote one I hear radio, same if I choose radio with the remote. I post some pictures from setup Masterlink Gateway, I can´t find anywhere the BS9000. I have created the service report as archive XXX.tar.gz file. But i don´t know where to find the communication between Masterlink Gateway and BS9000 in this report?? Or what is name of this file including communication report??

                      First a note: you keep mentioning a Masterlink Gateway. But do you  have a Masterlink Gateway AND a Beolink Converter NL/ML in your setup? Please note that they are complete different devices. For this discussion I presume you only have a Beolink converter NL/ML (BLC).

                      Go to Configuration /  Setting of the BLC
                      Set the ML role to ASlave (confirm with Save) – no speakers connected to the BLC and/or BS9000
                      Set “connect to (primary)” in Networklink to Beovsion11-46 (as displayed; confirm with Save)
                      Go to Configuration / Experience mapped to NL
                      check the appropriate boxes (CD, A.Aux, Radio)

                      Start BV11 and open Menu
                      search for “connect to (primar)” in the menu structure (I do not have a BV11 anymore and don’t know where it is located; maybe someone else can elaborate)
                      set to BLC; confirm that it uses the BV11 speakers.

                      Now the BS9000 should start with the CD command from the Beo4.

                      Remark: be sure that on the page IR mapping no other source is connected to the remote CD command. There it must say CD starts CD and no other source!


                      BRONZE Member

                        Hello, i use only Beolink Converter NL/ML. the picture is from Internet. I have one with Cinch / RCA input, like on the picture.

                        BRONZE Member

                          excuse me, the second picture is right, i will try your instruction after New Year’s Eve, thank you very much!  i hope it is the solution! ))

                          for the case is not working, because for example, the communication between BS9000 and BLC is not working (hardware problem).

                          How to check in the service report log file and where to find the registration about communication between BS9000 and BLC?

                          Best regards Vlad


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