Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoRemote Beoremote Halo: Fullscreen Clock request

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  • #43017
    GOLD Member

      Dear Bang & Olufsen,

      another feature request for the nice Halo remote:
      A nice looking full screen clock that greets me when I’m approaching the remote and it activates the screen. With color and design options to choose from.

      I think about that everytime I’m walking past a Halo remote and the display comes to live.

      Oh, and the option to active/deactive Alarms on the supported products with a simple on/off option.

      BRONZE Member
        • Toronto, Canada

        I think that would be the opposite of what the user experience of the halo is intended to be.  If you have a clock taking over the screen when you approach then you would have to have a user interaction to dismiss the clock. Even if that is a tap or a swipe it’s the same as having a dedicated iPad or phone at that point.  The great thing about the halo is the motion detector so it essentially saves you the step of a unlock or activation.

        This is one of the only 2 advantages the halo has over the alternatives.

        GOLD Member

          I’m clearly aware of the intended usage, yes, but the personal usage in our home shows this as a viable and elegant option. Of course the user can (and should) decide whether to have full screen clock displayed when approaching it or not.

          FOUNDER Member
            • Brittany, France

            Why not having an always-on clock (eg Beocom 5) turning to remote menu when someones aproachs?

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