Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoPlay Beoplay M5 – No serial number

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    BRONZE Member


    I just bought a used Beoplay M5 and made a factory reset to add it to my network and the B&O app.


    Now the problem.

    The B&O app are not seeing the M5 at all. I’ve tried to reset several times. I finally got it onto the network through airplay setup, but the app is still not finding it.


    So i downloaded the app “BeoTool” and noticed that the serial no., item no. and type no. is: “0000000” so I guess that’s why the B&O app wont find it.

    When connecting to the M5 through ip-address and looking at the “critical logfile” it comes up with: “unable to initialize core client: one or more of the arguments are invalid.”


    I can still play music via spotify connect, and bluetooth is working but can’t software update it.

    Am I totally doomed or can it be corrected by any ways? There is a label inside the M5 with the serial number.

    GOLD Member

    I havenโ€™t heard about this before – but it seems to be a fake M5, a copy.

    Have you contacted the seller about this?

    Could you post some pictures?


    Location: Flensborgโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”Danmark
    BRONZE Member

    seller told it was legal.. everyone can say that of course.

    sure, here are some.

    software has been updated previously, so the data must have been there before.

    BRONZE Member


    I wrote to B&O support, and they sent my a guide with a special software to recover the missing data.


    Connecting to the product through webbrower, and uploading the software did the trick ๐Ÿ™‚
    Now the B&O app finds the product.

    Don’t know if this is a common error, as the headline of the document says “How to recover ASE-TK product with serial number 00000000 (BeoSound 1/2, BeoPlay M5)”

    GOLD Member

    Great – we should be happy to be the costumers of such a company.
    Not many would offer that kind of service for a buyer of a second hand product, that is long eol.

    Personally I havenโ€™t heard of this before – but obviously they knew.

    Have fun with your M5.

    This should be the latest/recent sw:
    Software 2.1.50868 – Release date 31st October 2022


    Location: Flensborgโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”Danmark
    BRONZE Member

    Hi Guys,


    I have the same issue with the M5.

    Who can i contact for the firmware to fix it?

    is it possible you can give me that special firware?


    Thank you

    BRONZE Member

    Hi there.

    Sure I can. Will find it later when I get off of work. ๐Ÿ™‚

    BRONZE Member

    HerlufHansen wrote:
    Hi there. Sure I can. Will find it later when I get off of work. ?

    Really appreciate it!

    Thank you

    BRONZE Member

    Hi !
    I’m also facing such a problem, I’m glad I did a search to find this form and discussion, is that possible to have a copy of the software that can help me get it recovered?

    Cheers mate!


    BRONZE Member

    Hi guys.

    Sorry I didn’t write yesterday – Was a bit busy.
    I’ve added the guide I’ve received from B&O support. There is a direct download link from B&O to the SW inside the PDF

    Hope it works for you guys too ๐Ÿ™‚

    BRONZE Member

    Many Thanks!

    Have a great day!

    BRONZE Member

    HerlufHansen wrote:
    Hi guys. Sorry I didnโ€™t write yesterday โ€“ Was a bit busy. Iโ€™ve added the guide Iโ€™ve received from B&O support. There is a direct download link from B&O to the SW inside the PDF Hope it works for you guys too ?

    Top Man!

    Serial and Item number is restored, then i had an auto fw update to 1.25 immediately then to 2.1.50868.22855122 after that.

    Thank you so much again.

    Kind regards,


    BRONZE Member

    I got the same problem with my M5 and solved it with your help. Many thanks Bro!!!!

    • 1 addition: the IP to connect B&o by webbrowser depend on IP on Beotool show. In my case is
    BRONZE Member

    Third-party confirmation for Beosound 2 (mk.1): The PDF instructions above and its embedded links to firmware, were reported to successfully resurrect a Beosound 2 mk.1 which had lost its S/N and Type, on Beotalk podcast #270.

    @mikipedia reported the symptoms of the failure were “everything worked except the App,” i.e. the internal webserver, Airplay response, Bluetooth playback, and connection to Wi-Fi, all functioned as originally designed, just the App could not “see” the unit to add it.ย  The failure occurred after the unit was factory-reset because it would be newly added to an account & a Wi-Fi network.

    @Beowillie reported being unable to find this info doing searches in BeoWise.ย  Heย  speculated that the loss of serial number, which does not happen often, but apparently often enough to warrant the repair notes, was the result of a CMOS NVRAM battery discharging after the unit being left unplugged.ย  (Apparently in @mikipedia’s case that was ~2 years?)ย  But he could not account for such cause, because battery failure should have affected many, many units, including those which may have languished on the shelf at dealerships before sale.

    BRONZE Member


    I am experiencing the same issue. However, my M5 is only broadcasting a WiFi named โ€˜softappโ€™, and when I connect to it, does not load this unable to perform the following steps. Any suggestion?

    Thanks in advance.

    BRONZE Member

    Guys, I’m having the exact same problem for the past months! I did several factory resets, searched a lot and was about to give up…until I somehow managed to find this post!

    , @norberto_ or @daltonchen – would really appreciate if any of you could share that firmware and the guide with me?

    Kind regards

    BRONZE Member

    Hi KSN

    If you haven’t already gotten the guide with the download link to the recovery SW, I’ve attached it here.
    Hope it works for you.


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    BRONZE Member

    Thank you Herlufhansen!
    Kind of you, but I ended up contacting B&O support again.

    This time a kind man did help me out – he sent me the pdf guide and the firmware file. And it did fix my M5!
    He even offered me to send them my M5 and they would do the FW upgrade for me for free, if I had any troubles upgrading my self!

    The local B&O dealer wanted 700kr to do the same upgrade for me…yuck!

    jean-baptiste godinot
    BRONZE Member

    Hello Everyone,

    I’m reviving this thread as it finally helped me understand the issue of my own M5.

    I’ve been using it over Airplay all this time by default, but my wife being on Android is limited in its usage for years now…

    I’ve tried to follow the special procedure set forth in the PDF, but I’m facing a direct problem: when I access the control panel of the M5, it invariably takes me to where I have to set up the Wifi, and then, once done, my PC looses connection to the device.

    I’ve tried repeatedly to force the URL to /Settings but I’m not passing the Network gateway.

    I’m helpless, it drives me nuts ๐Ÿ™‚

    Anyone knows how I can work this around?

    Many many thanks in advance!


    jean-baptiste godinot
    BRONZE Member


    I worked it around. I’m no network engineer, but I understood how to access the panel once the device was online (basically found the IP of the M5 attributed by my box). I did the procedure end-to-end and it works !

    Thanks again retroactively for all the previous discussion!!!!!

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