Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoMaster Beomaster 5000 cuts out after 20seconds – what are the trimmers?

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  • #50077
    BRONZE Member

      Thanks for your time!

      I have seen some other posts about this problem but i could not actually identify the parts that those solutions referenced… something about the idle current trimmers?

      the issue is that the amp cuts out and goes back to idle every 20 seconds. (red dot on screen showing it has power) this is weather it is playing music or not, with everything plugged in or nothing plugged in, it doesn’t make a difference.

      I have basic/no electronics knowledge, i can do basic soldering but not much more.

      I have opened up the amp, dusted, used an airbrush to blow out all the dust. i cant see any obvious broken connections etc.

      The only thing that is broken on it is the front panel does not actually shut properly, although i doubt that would link to this issue?

      Thanks for any recommendations you have.

      BRONZE Member

        If you don’t have any test equipment such as a multimeter and oscilloscope, you should have it looked at by a B&O service tech.

        BRONZE Member

          I thought that might be the case. Sadly my nearest B&O service place bumped me to here! They weren’t interested at all in fixing a vintage piece.


          I’ll try some local hifi guys.


            I’ll try some local hifi guys.

            Roughly where do you live? – a forum member may be able to suggest a specialist.

            Location: Warwickshire, UK
            My B&O Icons: BeoCenter-9500 Beo4 Beovision-10BeotimeBeosoundBeosound-Explore Beosound-Essence Beoplay-P2Beoplay-M3Beoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-EarsetBeoplay-A2
            BRONZE Member

              I am just north of Bristol.

              Any recommendations would be welcome. (I have found three places with a quick Google search)


                To answer the basic question of the title of the topic, trimmers are the variable resistors used to, in that case, adjust the idle current.. Find the service manual, the process is detailed and almost possible to anybody with a multimeter.

                The beomaster 5000 is a complicated piece but it really worth working on it.


                Location: Paris France
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