Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLink Beolink Converter NL/ML

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  • #58234
    GOLD Member

      If I understand you correctly, I would connect the Beolink Converter type 1611 with a Masterlink cable to the NL/ML converter.

      That is correct

      But how to connect the NL/ML converter to the rest of my Masterlink setup (3 Beolab 3500)? There is only one Masterlink socket on the NL/ML converter.

      Actually there is 2 where one of them is a RJ45 connector. So you can use a RJ45 to ML cable. Another option is to use a ML junction box and split some ML cables and make a Y connection between them

      Location: Denmark
      Stefan Leuenberger
      BRONZE Member

        I have ordered now all the mentioned components and will let you know how it goes as soon as everything is implemented.

        GOLD Member

          Stefan Leuenberger wrote: If I understand you correctly, I would connect the Beolink Converter type 1611 with a Masterlink cable to the NL/ML converter. That is correct

          Btw if you setup the NL/ML converter as A.master you can also use the 1611 converter as an extra analog input for the ML system with the use of video commands (for example TV, V.MEM etc.) to activate the input.

          Location: Denmark
          GOLD Member

            Hi there, sorry to hijack this thread but found it googling on “differences Beolink Passive and NL/ML converter”.  I have a Beolink Active my mixed MCL/ML setup, with PC as command for the input source, if I replace the Active with a ML/NL converter would that:

            1. serve the same purpose: drive my beolab and act as input for the room, even if there is no NL devices in the network?

            2. Allow me to select which command on the beo4 selects the analog input, not only the PC command

            3. possibly allow the local source to be available throughout the house, unlike Beolink Active?

            Any added benefits of having a Beolink gateway in the system? i have one with the plan to use it for Philips Hue commands with Beo4.

            thanks in advance!

            GOLD Member

              1. serve the same purpose: drive my beolab and act as input for the room, even if there is no NL devices in the network?

              This should be possible yes. I am a little unsure about the local input if setup as A.SLAVE though

              2. Allow me to select which command on the beo4 selects the analog input, not only the PC command

              Yes. Although only sources that are not in use for other devices in the ML network can be used. That means if you allready have a Audio and Video master your choises are limited.

              3. possibly allow the local source to be available throughout the house, unlike Beolink Active?

              I think the NL/ML converter has to be setup as either a Audio or Video master for this to work. This requires that you do not have the one or the other in the system allready.


              Please let us know a little more about your current setup, then it is easier to give advice.

              Location: Denmark
              BRONZE Member

                1. serve the same purpose: drive my beolab and act as input for the room, even if there is no NL devices in the network?

                This should be possible yes. I am a little unsure about the local input if setup as A.SLAVE though

                if set as ASlave: impossible to set “visible on ML” in the BLC, therefor one should expect the local source can not be ML distributed. (maybe this work around still works: program the BLC as VMaster, set the visible on ML as prefered, set the IR mapping, then set the BLC as ASlave).
                I doubt the line-in will start the Beolabs on auto-sense when set to ASlave. Then a IR-eye is necessary to manual start the BLC as alternative for an Active Link.

                2. Allow me to select which command on the beo4 selects the analog input, not only the PC command

                Yes. Although only sources that are not in use for other devices in the ML network can be used. That means if you allready have a Audio and Video master your choises are limited.

                It totally depends on the ML. If a Audio and Video master are part of the mix, then in principle the Source Center is the only option to setup the BLC then only NMusic and NRadio are available. But if a Phono and/or ATape2 are present these options are not available anymore.

                If only a Video or Audio master is in the mix, you’re right the options are less limited, but still limited. Only once a source/command (cd, tape, tape2,..etc.) can be available in ML.

                3. possibly allow the local source to be available throughout the house, unlike Beolink Active?

                I think the NL/ML converter has to be setup as either a Audio or Video master for this to work. This requires that you do not have the one or the other in the system allready. Please let us know a little more about your current setup, then it is easier to give advice.

                I agree….



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