Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLink Beolink 1000 fix (Possibly)

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  • #38958
    GOLD Member

      Hello all,

      Ages ago I posted in the old forums how to fix a Beolink 1000 that has suddenly stopped working and I thought it was worth repeating (along with a new diagram to help).

      You simply take out the batteries and short the + & – terminals. A piece of wire or a paper-clip will do the trick. You won’t see or hear anything happen but it seems to reset something in the remote.

      All I can say is it worked for me and at least 3 others (who confirmed this in in reply to my suggestion on the old forum post.) And a few more in the most recently archived forum when I posted again.

      Another handy trick to see if any remote is sending out the IR signal, is to point it at a digital camera (mobile phone camera) and press a number button (they always output IR) and you should see the emitters blink red/purple in the camera screen. (works with all IR remotes). You may need to use the selfie camera on an iPhone.



      My B&O Icons: Beo4 BeovoxBeosound-9000 Beoplay-EX Beoplay-E8Beoplay-A8
      BRONZE Member

        sadly this didn’t work for me so still looking for a fix. its a mark 2 beolink 1000 and it had a broken positive wire from the battery housing. once I replaced this I did get a flicker of life from the LED’s but didn’t operate my Beomaster 3500. i pressed a few more buttons and thought i’d check with the camera again and this time no flicker from the LED’s.

        i have it stripped down and i’m getting around 4.5v from the batteries, just nothing from the LED’s

        HELP!! 🙁

        BRONZE Member

          Wow, thanks, this fix did the trick

          1. Cheers
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