Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab Penta 1 (6603) issue

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  • #63320
    Hunter Dykstra
    BRONZE Member

      Hi all, this is my first post.

      I was recently gifted a pair of Penta 1’s from my boss for helping him move. I was not expecting them to be in perfect condition. One of the two works perfectly, the other one seems to only buzz/hum and not play any audio. I am assuming it might be an amplifier problem.

      I would disconnect the amplifier from the other speaker and connect it to the opposite/non-working one to see if it works but I don’t want to create more issues if I break that amplifier as-well. I have included a video of the sound and an image of the board inside the amplifier.

      If anybody has any ideas on what the problem could be, please send them my way.

      Thank you!

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      GOLD Member

        Lots of potential problems in that photo. Black Roederstein capacitors, old trimmers etc.
        Grab a service kit and have it refurbished.


        GOLD Member

          These speakers are glorious and well worth saving. As Dillen suggests order a service kit (or two) and ask a specialist to fit the new electronics for you 👍

          What a lovely gesture by your boss.

          Location: Kent, UK
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