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  • #48721
    BRONZE Member

    I am making a prediction that one of the new products slated over the next 12months will be a Beolink Converter device which will overcome legacy Mozart products which can’t join as a slave Beolab to another Beosound or Beovision

    Agree….. and I think I know it’s name. But like Voldemort’s name, not to be pronounced. 🙂



    Beolab 8 does more than adapt to your room. It adapts to you. Using ultra- wideband technology, it directs the acoustic sweetspot to wherever you are. As long as your phone is on you, the sound is too. No need to readjust your speaker, or your room. *Fluid Sweet Spot only works when using Beolab 8 in a stereo setup with Apple iPhone (Apple iPhone 11 or newer).

    This sounds very impressive.

    Location: Toronto, Canada
    GOLD Member

    I like the look of these very much. Not too interested in the top controls if you had a pair or full surround but that’s how Mozart goes I guess. For a pair, the cloth version is around ok but those frets, super pricey. Although, they kind of make the price I paid for the Theatre last Nov a bargain as a pair with frets is not far off.

    BRONZE Member

    Then again, maybe not, since they don’t have an analog line-in for my turntable.

    To be clear, the USB-C input is analogue (if it’s anything like Theatre, new Beosound 2 and A9). It just needs a 3.5mm aux-in to USB-C adapter, but it’s a “dumb” “passthrough” adapter, just a matter of wiring the wires to the new connector form factor (USB-C).

    It’s not like Beosound A1 or Explore, which support/require a source outputting USB-C digital audio.

    Edit: as noted below by others, A5 actually is like A1/Explore and unlike the rest of other recent Mozart products, i.e. it’s not analogue but rather uses USB-C digital audio.


    I like the look of these very much. Not too interested in the top controls if you had a pair or full surround but that’s how Mozart goes I guess.

    I assumed that the top controls are disabled (by just switching off the backlight) in case the speakers are used as part of a surround setup. Or that they would always be hidden unless you get closer to the unit, at which point they’d light up.

    But not sure if this is actually the case.



    Where is the woofer in this? Is it inside firing up?

    Location: Toronto, Canada
    FOUNDER Member


    BRONZE Member

    Then again, maybe not, since they don’t have an analog line-in for my turntable.

    To be clear, the USB-C input is analogue (if it’s anything like Theatre, new Beosound 2 and A9). It just needs a 3.5mm aux-in to USB-C adapter, but it’s a “dumb” “passthrough” adapter, just a matter of wiring the wires to the new connector form factor (USB-C). It’s not like Beosound A1 or Explore, which support/require a source outputting USB-C digital audio.

    If it’s like the new A5, the line-in function is not working. My dealer told me it was when I bought it, and I used a USB-C adapter, but this function was removed from B&O before release.

    So I won’t bet on that it has a Line-in..



    To clarify, Beosound A5 never had an analogue line input, it only accepts a digital connection to a USB master device (eg a computer), as well as using this socket for charging.  This is the same as with Explore and A1.

    Beolab 8 is reported as having an analogue line input via the USB-C socket, as with Theatre and the latest Mozart equipped A9 and Beosound 2.

    Beolab 8 also has an RJ45 Powerlink input for low latency connection to any B&O TV or AV receiver (via the correct cables of course!)

    Kind regards Steve.

    Location: The cable workshop, England
    Favourite Product: Beosystem 72-23
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    GOLD Member

    I love them, but why on earth would you provide an analogue line-in using a USB socket?

    What next? Mains in via an 8 pin DIN socket?!

    GOLD Member

    ”AdamS wrote:
    I love them, but why on earth would you provide an analogue line-in using a USB socket? What next? Mains in via an 8 pin DIN socket?!”


    i agree but that’s how it is in the Theatre. So I had to buy the cheap looking adapter which I quickly dumped and now have line in from a pre-amp to an M3 then multiroom to the Theatre and BL3s.

    FOUNDER Member

    I love them, but why on earth would you provide an analogue line-in using a USB socket? What next? Mains in via an 8 pin DIN socket?!

    Is there an advantage to this that I don’t see?  Does USB C need less space than a 3.5mm jack and space is the issue?  In order to connect my turntable to the Theatre I need that USB dongle which has caused issues in the past.  I need to occasionally “re-seat” the connections in order for it to work properly.  I wish I could just plug my phono cable’s 3.5mm jack directly into the Theatre.

    BRONZE Member

    Sonos have done the same on their latest speakers too – not sure if there is some industry wide thing going on to prompt numerous manufacturers down this route.

    FOUNDER Member

    I think its something to do with the name…….”USB”. Something universal about it so it can do many things in different ways. That is unless you need it to do something to an Apple device that is

    FOUNDER Member

    If it is becoming a standard then maybe I will be able to find a good rca to usb c interconnect cable so I don’t need that dongle.

    BRONZE Member

    Nice little speaker. It seems that the ‘Bang & Olufsen’ logo is lit when turned on. Like it!

    Could it be a render error?  In any event, I would hope that in configuration this could be disabled.

    Call me a fossil, if you will, but I loved the old green light/red light signifiers.

    FOUNDER Member

    In a way…..and this is my bad…..the BL8s are a lot bigger than I imagined based on the initial perception from the press photos. I had a quarter-sized BL6000 in my minds eye. The dimensions state the truth but real life gives it context I guess?


    GOLD Member


    Interesting to see the various mounting/placement options.


    Location: Flensborg————Danmark
    BRONZE Member

    I haven’t had the chance to explore the details of the legacy Powerlink integration. Will it offer compatibility with older Hi-Fi systems, like the Beosystem 6500, allowing control of CD, Radio, and Vinyl through the remote app? Additionally, will it enable music streaming to other wireless speakers? If anyone comes across information on these different scenarios, please share it with us. Thanks.

    GOLD Member

    I think there’s a good case for going for the cloth version too, perhaps more versatility. I have the Theatre with dark oak/silver combo and although that aesthetic on the Beolab 8 would be great it kind of locks you in that given the fret cost.

    BRONZE Member

    Can fluid sweet spot be implemented to existing BL28 by software update as a feature?


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