Home Forums Product Discussion & Questions BeoLab Beolab 28 Software problems?

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  • #36068
    BRONZE Member

      A new version of software was released several days ago. One of the fixes was improved pairing. I have now been having problems such as secondary speaker not turning on, inability to pair, and weirdest when trying to play the left right test tone they both come out of right speaker. Dealer is trying to find problem. Anyone else experiencing any problems?


      Hi Razlaw,

      Yes, I had exactly the same issues with my stereo paired Emerge speakers yesterday since the software update.  I had to remove both speakers from my account in the app and then re-install them, which (so far) seems to have fixed the problem.

      I have raised this to B&O, awaiting their reply…

      Kind regards, Steve.

      Location: The cable workshop, England
      Favorite Product: Beosystem 72-23
      Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
      My B&O Icons: Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-MomentBeosound-LevelBeosound-EmergeBeosound-A5Beosound-9000Beoplay-V1 Beoplay-H100 Beoplay-H95Beoplay-H9iBeoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-E8Beoplay-E4Beolit-17Beoplay-A1BeomasterBeolab-18Beogram-400x
      BRONZE Member

        Thanks!  I have removed and removed and re-added the 28s and unfortunately the problem remains. Also tried removing my Halo and now can not get it added back. App locks up.



        Yes, my B&O app is also locking up repeatedly on all my iOS devices.  The only way I can get in is to turn off wi-fi, open the app and then turn wi-fi back on.

        Kind regards, Steve.

        Location: The cable workshop, England
        Favorite Product: Beosystem 72-23
        Signature: Cables, friendly advice and great ideas for connecting Bang & Olufsen! Ask any questions at https://soundsheavenly.com to get the best from your B&O! Please visit my B&O YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/soundsheavenlycables
        My B&O Icons: Beo4 BeovoxBeotimeBeosoundBeosound-MomentBeosound-LevelBeosound-EmergeBeosound-A5Beosound-9000Beoplay-V1 Beoplay-H100 Beoplay-H95Beoplay-H9iBeoplay-H4Beoplay-H3Beoplay-Form-2iBeoplay-E8Beoplay-E4Beolit-17Beoplay-A1BeomasterBeolab-18Beogram-400x
        GOLD Member

          Sorry to hear about your misbehaving 28s, Raz, but I hope it gets sorted quickly.

          BRONZE Member

            I’ve had my android and iOS apps lock up a couple times since the upgrade.

            I also had some strange behavior pairing/unpairing my Balances with iOS app.  After pairing, the paired Balance still showed up in the list of devices, but the pair worked fine aside from it only playing one track from DLNA and then stopping (regardless of pairing status).

            I now see that I cannot unpair them.  It goes through the prompts but doesn’t do anything.  Maybe I should not have deleted the “orphan” Balance that iOS left behind after I paired them.  Now, when I go into the “Edit Stereo Pair” on the iOS app, the icon for the 2nd Balance is not there.  It shows a “missing icon” graphic.  The Android app shows both Balances, but still doesn’t unpair them.

            I did not have them long enough before the upgrade to know if this is any different.

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